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Business & Finance - 29 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I had received an e-mail from Green Solutions, Inc. telling me about a position as a financial agent.

It is a work-at-home position and all communication will be online. There is a trial period of one month, where the new agent is paid $1500 a month plus an eight percent commission. Internet access and a bank account are required. apparently, the job entails receiving funds from stockbrokers and other clients, and channeling the funds to the client specified in the contract.

Do any of you have any experience working in this type of job? If so, what were your experiences? (You do not have to reveal the names of clients.)

2007-01-29 06:36:42 · 4 answers · asked by me8md 3 in Careers & Employment

has anbody dealt with progressive bill collection agency are they the worst excuse for a bill collection agency ?

2007-01-29 06:36:18 · 4 answers · asked by victor m 3 in Credit

Hello, I am looking for some advice on my current financial situation. I am 27 years old and I make $125K a year. I just barely paid off all of the personal debt that I was in, (auto, CC, student loans, etc). I got engaged to my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. She unfortunately lost her job shortly after we got engaged. She has personal debt that totals $85k with no rate being higher than 6%. She was making $30K a year and paying off her bills and helping to chip in on our living expenses. Unfotunately my line of work prevents her from finding a new job very easily. I move every 6 months, so it has to be flexible. Our joint living expenses, including her minimum debt payments, total $65k a year.
My question is this: Should we focus our efforts on paying off her outstanding debt balances or should we just pay the minimums and start to contribute money to a savings account for retirement?
I got a large raise in Oct from making $50k to $125k and I was in some serious debt trouble

2007-01-29 06:35:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

Do not want to sign up for anything online.... just want to do people favors.

2007-01-29 06:35:06 · 4 answers · asked by ◄☯♫ vanitee of vanitees ♫☯► 6 in Personal Finance

I have a friend who is unemployed and would be willing to let me claim her three children. Is this legal even though I only claim one on my W-2's? Also, I donated a car to an organization earlier this year and would like to know how that works? DO I get money taken off of what I owe...?? HELP!! Thanks~

2007-01-29 06:33:36 · 3 answers · asked by politicalsruh 1 in United States

2007-01-29 06:32:29 · 10 answers · asked by Kenny B 1 in Small Business

Im going to be starting a new job on wednesday. Ive had only four jobs in my lifetime and i still havent learned how to make new friends at work properly. Im usually really shy which makes people think im a *****. So my question is if you had been working somewhere and a new person got hired how would you like them to act for you to be friendly and open up to them and possible become friends?

2007-01-29 06:29:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

I want to become a firefighter but I work full time. My bills won't go away and I don't have anybody that can take them over while I go to the academy. I need to know a way to get my certifications while being able to maintain my full time job.

2007-01-29 06:28:26 · 4 answers · asked by Todd 1 in Careers & Employment

I have gone ove my overdraft limit as my work forgtot to pay my wages in last week so now they are not going to to in until Wed... Do you think If I called my bank and explained the situation they would stop the charges of £30 a day being added to my account?

2007-01-29 06:27:26 · 21 answers · asked by me_me 1 in Personal Finance

My former accountant took money from the company bank account without authorisation. She did this in the form of company cheques, whom she wrote to other companies and individuals that have no connection to my company in any way. Is this money laundering?

2007-01-29 06:26:51 · 7 answers · asked by Daffey 2 in Corporations

I live in Uruguay you can not deliver newspapers and my family does not know the neighbours. The newspaper is not the school and I need to get alot of money. My father knows a guy who owns a printing thing. My dad also knows a shoe company who can maybe sponsor they give about $200 and I have money but I do not think it is fair I spend it all and the others do not put nothing I am 11 pretty smart.

2007-01-29 06:26:43 · 3 answers · asked by Santiking 2 in Small Business

I work for a large union contractor(boilermakers, pipefitters, laborers, millwrights, ironworkers, teamsters, etc.). These people seem to think they deserve the world on a silver platter because they are union. Unions were first enacted to improve hellish working conditions, I would say that in the U.S.A. today conditions are no where close to where they were in the late 1800's early 1900's.

2007-01-29 06:24:56 · 14 answers · asked by bubba42511 1 in Careers & Employment

Someone asked me if they could file separately while still married and get the earned income credit. Another question is what about if someone says they are separated?

2007-01-29 06:23:39 · 4 answers · asked by Kyle 2 in United States

I called IRS and was told my financee can infact claim me. However the man I spoke with said to fill out page 18 of publication 501 to determine if my financee paid more then half of my daughters support. He told me to just print it out and do it in my own time prior to filing so we knew for sure.
After filling it out it is determined he can in fact claim her but how do we PROVE what we paid for food, heat, electricity, travel expenses. clothing and such is what we actually paid. I dont keep track of what he spends on her I mean who actually keeps all the receipts from travel expenses to DR's, clothing, food, entertainment and such?

Furthermore while talking to this man who was friendly but put me on hold for a while he said that they do infact count her childsupport and SSI {disability}as "income" even though its non taxable? Is this correct? When I was working and claiming my daughter I NEVER ONCE claimed her SSI or Childsupport I was told I didnt have to it was not counted

2007-01-29 06:23:19 · 4 answers · asked by texas_angel_wattitude 6 in United States

I have filed my taxes with Turbo Tax this year. I have received my federal in about a week or so, how long for my state tax to come in?

2007-01-29 06:16:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

How is the education system? what is the nearest train station and major roadway?

2007-01-29 06:15:49 · 1 answers · asked by khannie112 2 in Renting & Real Estate


how do you build up your credit. I have no credit history and i have no clue about the whole credit thing. Can someone help me.

2007-01-29 06:13:03 · 11 answers · asked by Bethany R 1 in Credit

I bought a house as a rental. I think it is worth more than I paid and needs work. I am replacing the furnce, windows, floors, remodeling the bathroom etc... I want to refinance it as soon as I'm done the work so I can take that money and buy another rental. Is the bank going to give me a hard time about this, do I have to tell them what I want the money for, do I need to already have the house I want to buy picked out? Also for the mortgage on the current house I went through CMHC with 5% down, will this make it more difficult? Please explain the steps to me, I don't really 100% what I'm doing.

2007-01-29 06:10:08 · 5 answers · asked by Vanessa 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I live in Michigan, purchased a used car from a private party and paid the tax on it at the secretary of state. Will I get a paper ion the mail for this for my taxes?

2007-01-29 06:09:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I tried to get it cashed at his bank and he didn't have the funds in his account. Can I get it cashed somewhere like a store or something? He would still be responsible for the check right?

2007-01-29 06:08:35 · 5 answers · asked by DJB 2 in Personal Finance

How did you get your start in crafts?

What are the most profitable crafts to sell?

What are the easiest crafts to sell?

What are the easiest crafts to make?

Do you have to get permits and liscense to sell crafts?

How can you stay tax legal?

Is it easy to stay tax legal?

What is the easiest way to sell? (fairs, festivals, consignment shop, from home, internet,. . .)

Is advertising and marketing profitable?

What kind of banking and investments should be made for the business?

What is the proper way to sell?

How do you price effectively?

Where is the best place to get information on craft businesses?

Any other advice?

What is the best advice you could give to someone wanting to be in the business?

2007-01-29 06:07:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I am having credit cards problems , paying dabt off on 4 cards, I just ignored them for 1 year now and damaged my credit, Is it to late or can i save my credit? Whats the best way to pay of the debt, should i go to a debt specialize and consolidate my debt to pay off? How does this look on my credit report, ANy advice is helpful?

2007-01-29 06:06:40 · 12 answers · asked by paty l 1 in Credit

What's the best way to hide like a bag of gold coins? NOT in the bank. Some ware safe, both hidden and secure.

2007-01-29 06:05:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Wear those stupid blue smocks?

2007-01-29 06:05:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

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