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Business & Finance - 8 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2006-12-08 04:17:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

EdFund called me and told me they might garnish wages or whatever BUT I make only $20,000 a year and I just cant afford $300 payments right now.

2006-12-08 04:14:54 · 5 answers · asked by kani9922 2 in Personal Finance

My husband is a temp employee at a well known company. They are saying they want to hire him as a permanent employee and that he will recieve full benefits. As a result of him getting full benefits they want to reduce his hourly pay when they do hire him on (by a dollar or more). Has anyone ever heard of this before? I've never run into this situation before. Is this normal?

2006-12-08 04:14:42 · 9 answers · asked by crasskitty 2 in Careers & Employment

I've been approached with this concept. How would a purchase like this work? How does the owner benefit? Is it a trick?

2006-12-08 04:13:58 · 7 answers · asked by Mic B 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Let me explain. The buyer has offered to put funds straight into an account rather than send me a cheque. I've never done this before. It sounds sensible. Is it ok to do this - give out account number etc. Please advise urgently. (sensible answers only pls)

2006-12-08 04:13:48 · 23 answers · asked by Caroline 5 in Personal Finance

And please...hold the "condom salesman in a lesbian bar" type of stuff.

2006-12-08 04:12:50 · 7 answers · asked by Spud55 5 in Careers & Employment

Any suggestions on a .COM domain name for my new company?
We go around to nightclubs and pubs, taking pictures of people having a good time, then sell them back to them online.
Keywords might be something like:
snaps, clicks, photos, scene, party, club, night, etc
Name must be available in a .COM domain name.

2006-12-08 04:12:43 · 11 answers · asked by lisalovesbrighton 1 in Small Business

The type at home programs do not tell you everything involved, which I read somewhere is posting and advertising. Are there any real ones?

2006-12-08 04:12:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

My husband wrote me a check that I deposited, via the ATM at my credit union on Nov 18. That check then cleared his account on Nov 24 - which makes sense because it would take a little time for someone to take the deposits from the ATM, process them and then route the Check21 info to my husband's bank to debit from his account. But he also wrote me a check that I deposited at the same ATM on Nov 20 and while again the credit was immediate on my account (which it should be) his account has never been debited for that check - it is now Dec 8! So the first check took 5 business days to clear but it's been 14 business days and still the debit has not appeared on my husband's account. It's like they lost the check or something? Is there a maximum time limit that the banks must process the check/debit my husband's account?

2006-12-08 04:10:22 · 4 answers · asked by sksnumber1 1 in Personal Finance

3 guys were traveling together and stopped at a hotel 4 the night.
The hotel desk clerk says"I have some good news & some bad news.The bad news is that I only have one room available for tonight.The good news is it has 3 beds in it."The 3 men are traveling together anyway so they decide to take the room. The desk clerk tells them the room will be $30 for the night. The men each take out a $10 bill and pay the bill.While they were on the way up to their room the clerk back at the desk started feeling guilty about charging them so much money. He tells the bellhop 2 take $5 dollars up 2 the room and give it to them for a refund.So the bellhop starts up to their roon and gets to thinking about how 2 divide $5 between 3people.By the time he reaches their room he decides 2give them each $1and keep$2 for himself as a tip.Each man paid $10each originally and got$1 in return so that means they paid $9 each for their room. 3 times $9 is $27+$2(the bellhop got)=$29 what happened to the other $1?

2006-12-08 04:09:12 · 2 answers · asked by bu_wheet 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do, but I'm working toward becoming a high school language arts teacher (currently I do school administrative work and teach piano and choir).

2006-12-08 04:08:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

can i get a job if any 1 comes from lpool n is da manager of a buisness n wud lyk 2 give me a job ur welcome
i am 15 yrs old n wud really lyk a job
pla can sum 1 help me get a a job

2006-12-08 04:06:33 · 15 answers · asked by pinkebel 1 in Careers & Employment

2006-12-08 03:56:13 · 4 answers · asked by rahul k 1 in Careers & Employment


My boss is a pacer. Sometimes he comes in my office and just paces back and forth while he talks. It drives me nuts! What does your boss do that drives you crazy?

2006-12-08 03:50:11 · 4 answers · asked by ♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥ 7 in Careers & Employment

So, I have asked a couple people to co-sign for my student loan and in turn I will give them $1,000.00, but no one wants to. I really need some help here. What should I do?

2006-12-08 03:49:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I am a young woman that is already heavily involved in starting a non profit organization and really need help with the whole start up of it. I want it to be successful and want to make a difference in my community. Then once established I planned to make my organization spread to help those in other areas.

2006-12-08 03:45:58 · 2 answers · asked by mcdonoughdaisies 1 in Small Business

please help

2006-12-08 03:43:48 · 2 answers · asked by Tina916 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I'm getting ready for next year tax season. I have some investment overseas and i'm expected to disclose the income on my taxes. I just started the investment portfolio and haven't gotten any money from it not even a dime. However i have the ability to log online and just view the portfolio and see how its doing. And to be frank its very new and i'm loosing money. Do i need to still declare this investment on my taxes eventhough i haven't gotten any returns on it yet?

2006-12-08 03:41:15 · 2 answers · asked by progress 2 in United States

I am about to start a new job, and I really think this is the place I want to make my career. Does anyone have any tips for promoting in the work place? Right now I am working as a clerk, but eventually I would like to obtain my degree in Communications and move into the Public Relations Department. Any tips would be useful, at the work place and in my personal life. Thanks!

2006-12-08 03:40:57 · 17 answers · asked by wishing_i_could_sing 2 in Careers & Employment

This is in regards to a credit card. I told them I will pay it off in full when I get my income tax return because I lost my job when I was on maternity leave (differnet subject and now grounds for a lawsuit... so don't worry.)
First person to call me asked for me by name. I state it was me she was speaking with. She then asked to verify my address and I told her I was not giving out my address until she told me who she was with and what this was regarding. She said she would not disclose any information until I verified my address and contact information. Then she abruptly hung up in my face. I received another call that night from my husbands office phone which he used to call them and ask who that are with and what this is regarding. They proceeded to call back on my husbands cell phone and home office phone... so this makes three phone calls for this debt the same day with verbal contact all times. They were told by my husband to stop calling his cell and his work phone.

2006-12-08 03:36:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I'm doing research on the effects of teen pregnancy on education. If you were NOT a teen parent please tell me if you graduated from high school and/or college or are attending either or planning to attend. WOMEN ONLY PLEASE!

2006-12-08 03:35:50 · 7 answers · asked by binglejells2003 3 in Other - Business & Finance

How much sales tax would be charged when I buy a product that costs $325 in Texas?

2006-12-08 03:35:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

2006-12-08 03:32:42 · 6 answers · asked by Badboysx1 1 in Australia

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