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Business & Finance - 8 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I would like to get my banner ad out there for a website that I am a part of! What are some places that I can put it that get high traffic and ppl will actually click it?

2006-12-08 03:31:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Search Engine Optimization

I find that one of the most difficult things to do is budgeting income allocation on expenses. I make a decent living but find that I pay my bills and have nothing left over to take care of unexpected expenses. Are there any suggestions on how to budget appropriately and prioritize expenses?

2006-12-08 03:31:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

2006-12-08 03:30:37 · 3 answers · asked by dredheaddredhead 1 in Careers & Employment

2006-12-08 03:29:15 · 8 answers · asked by derrick c 1 in Credit

Goverment procedures

2006-12-08 03:28:56 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

HELP! i need to send this out to my potencial employer, can you please tell me if it sounds right?
i did and internship this semester and now want to get a full time job, i told my boss that i will send him my resume

can u please tell me if it sounds right? (enlish is not my first language) so if u could also help me with my grammar

here it is, thanks:

Good Morning Mr. X

I really enjoyed working for X company this semester and I was hoping to continue my career with X company.

I was wondering if you could submit my resume to the HR office. I know it will look better if someone inside the company does it for me, rather than I will do it on my own.

It was a pleasure meeting you
First Last name

p.s. resume is attached"

what do u guys think? any corrections? i really want that job

2006-12-08 03:27:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

why is the shortage of investment capital more of a problem for developing countries than for the world's developed ones?

2006-12-08 03:25:08 · 1 answers · asked by badgirl2thefullest 1 in Other - Business & Finance

A friend want me to deposit his company's checks into my own bank account. My friend will pay me for the service. I am being told that taxes have already been paid on the money. I am concerned that he is trying to avoid something but I do not know what it could be. My friend lives in England and the money will be coming in Bank and Traveler's Checks. I do not want to be stuck with taxes on this money.

2006-12-08 03:24:28 · 10 answers · asked by jar0228r 1 in United States


I am currently an undergrad. I live in a 5-room apartment with 2 siblings, parents and a grandmother. My parents have not been working for probably 5 years due to medical reasons. We are living on savings and help from the govt. In 3 mths time, their savings will dry up and the monthly payment of the house will be impossible. ($800 per mth). Moving into a smaller house does not help coz it will incur more debts due to housing prices and the amount unpaid for this current house. My siblings are studying too. If this problem is not solved, the govt will have to take back the house.We tried working part-time but its impossible to get $800 due to our studyload n the pathetic part-time pay. How? I am lost. I really have no idea what to do. We can negotiate about normal bills but when it comes to house, they always win. Pls help me.

2006-12-08 03:17:16 · 3 answers · asked by NeedHelpGivesHelp 2 in Renting & Real Estate

We just bought a new house and we just signed all the papers with the lawyer and they informed us that March 1st 2007 is when we make our first payment, but why? Why 3 months with no payment? We live in Alberta, Canada

2006-12-08 03:14:15 · 5 answers · asked by sexylittlemisstweetybird83 5 in Renting & Real Estate

I'm 20 and just starting to look at how I might want to be investing my money. Any good books out there to get me started?

2006-12-08 03:12:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

Hi all here is some background. After writing a covered call on a stock I recieved a premium, that shows on my history immediately .After it expired worthless, they removed the option. Makes sense! Soon after (7 days) I recieved a "rebate", and according to Ameritrades definition it is"In an options transaction, the amount paid to the holder of the option if the option expires worthless" Im not sure, but do I get paid twice. Please explain, my account fluctautes $100's sometimes $1000's so it is hard for me to keep track. especially with the liability of writing a call going against your account, and screwing with the balance!

2006-12-08 03:11:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I'm a single with income in the 30K-74K bracket per IRS 2006 table. However, I sponsored my mom to CA in Aprial and currently supporting her financially. Which status should I file under, single or head of household? Head of household seem to pay more per the IRS table. If I should file as single, can I claim her as dependent since I'm supporting her? Please offer my your advice. Thanks for your time.

2006-12-08 03:10:31 · 3 answers · asked by Tuan N 2 in United States

this is good or what i want to know ipay or what ?

2006-12-08 03:07:41 · 6 answers · asked by faram772010 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I worked as a mortgage broker and left the company that I was working for. Before I quit I had a loan that closed and now my ex-boss doesn't want to pay me ! What should I do? Who should I call for help?

2006-12-08 03:02:47 · 6 answers · asked by SamQuestandBeagy 1 in Renting & Real Estate

My insurance was effective the day I signed up, but I still have not received my card. How do I go to the doctor without it?

2006-12-08 03:02:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

out of your work checks for social security and less for federal or state?

2006-12-08 03:00:16 · 2 answers · asked by glorymomof3 6 in United States

For some reason I thought if you had a work related injury, hospitals had to bill the workers comp and it was illegal for them to bill any private medical insurance. I know auto insurance has a cap, like $100,000 personal injury and once that runs out the medical insurance starts being billed but for some reason I thought it was different with work comp claims. Was I wrong?

2006-12-08 03:00:07 · 4 answers · asked by seriously shannon 3 in Insurance

N 6'2*59'24" E 15.00 (Recorded)
N 62'58'34" E 14.99 (survey)
What is the point of paying a surveyor to place a perminate marker if some one can come along and pull it out and take possession of your land? How do I solve this problem? where can I

2006-12-08 02:58:22 · 2 answers · asked by ace 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I'm rebuilding my credit, I recently took a car loan with a very high interest rate..at the same time I'm starting to power save 2500 per month so I can purchase a home in a year. Myquestion is should I put 2000 more towards my car to have it paid in 9 months or keep paying the minimum so I can sock everything into savings?

2006-12-08 02:57:53 · 4 answers · asked by vi14mi 1 in Credit

I mean come on!! When there were lots of K-Mart stores still in buisness they checked id's to see if you were of age. why can't they do that with cds? they do it with their movies.

2006-12-08 02:55:56 · 11 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Corporations

use computer program to generate the business plan or find a business plan writer. Money is a issue. So which is more cost effective.
Should a business plan be made for each business idea.
Does "SCORE" have business plan writers?
Any business mentors out in cyper space.

2006-12-08 02:55:22 · 4 answers · asked by dcpe123 1 in Small Business

I graduated last year with a 2:1 in Psychology which I worked quite hard for!! But I don't really use it and I probably never will! I expect it worked in my favour when I applied for my current job (they were looking for a graduate) but its not like I use it (I work as a recruitment consultant!)

2006-12-08 02:53:26 · 7 answers · asked by ? 6 in Careers & Employment

For Pepsi Bottling Company. I am not that great at this type of stuff. Looking for 4 different objectives in these feilds:


2006-12-08 02:51:16 · 4 answers · asked by pololous 1 in Careers & Employment

I work in recruitment at the moment but I really fancy doing something completley different one day like being a wedding planner or organising big corporate events!

2006-12-08 02:50:46 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6 in Careers & Employment

Hi I have a debt with Natwest Credit Cards of just under £700 & the debt was tranferred to their collection agents - Triton Credit Services. I have been making regular payments of what I can afford each month & I have been late paying Novembers but today offered the Nov & Dec payments to bring my account up to date but triton advised that the account has been transferred to their lawyers. Will this mean a CCj will automatically be entered against me & does anyone know who Natwest's lawyers are?? I am quite concerned about it. Anyone else been in the same situation & what did u do? Thanks

2006-12-08 02:46:03 · 4 answers · asked by richardwales79 3 in Credit

Someone gave me a gift of money. What amount can you tell me that I can receive without having to pay taxes on it.

2006-12-08 02:43:10 · 6 answers · asked by Dorothy64 1 in United States

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