title--his death, like everyone's
his death, like everyone's,
Comes just once a year,
Around the time when you might see him
Smiling ear to ear.
Suddenly life turns to dust,
Which then just blows away,
And everything from hope to joy
Lies naked to the day.
Pain seems insupportable,
And time crawls like a snail
Towards an endless nothingness
Before which all things pale.
The point? Ah, yes! There is no point.
It's all a mystery,
Why anything is here at all,
Or how he came to be.
And so he waits upon the cliff,
And once a year he dies,
While just behind him on the grass
A field of glory lies.
Evil has no easy explanation.
Everyone is evil and is good.
Sometimes we watch ourselves do something evil
Frozen in a scream that's never heard.
We cannot stop ourselves, so we go on,
Knowing somewhere else the horror plays
And plays and plays until we are forgiven,
Healed by someone's gift of unearned love.
When someone has been tortured as a child,
Evil, like a mad dog, crouches near.
One buries it deep in a vaulted, lead-lined chamber,
But zombie-like it stalks the world within.
It's strange that darkened children need forgiveness
For evil that they suffer, innocent.
But guilt's the trademark of humiliation,
Burned into the flesh of memory.
Love washes over evil like an ocean,
Sweeping over seething, fisted anger,
Drowning it in cold, unquiet depths,
Leaving you weak and weeping on the strand.
You wouldn't be yourself without the pain
That twists inside like penitential dancers,
Making you the stage of some strange beauty,
Like no one else, the host of our redemption.
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