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Philosophy - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Philosophy

When Does a Home become a Heaven,a place of supreme happiness?


2007-07-21 07:34:52 · 38 answers · asked by *Hope* 3

is every Passing DAY a POINT OF NO RETURN?

2007-07-21 07:28:39 · 40 answers · asked by enki 4

I'm past the half century mark already, and have led a full life, so I am contented, and looking forward to probably some 25 years max of still poluting the air with my cigarette smoke, etc. I am therefore fairly contented, yet I am concerned that my children's children will have but a barren shell, with no more wild animals, sticky goo for water, and pea soup for air, in their "hot house atmosphere" . . . It is said we are the last generation that can "save" Planet Earth for extinction! The list of species reaching the Red Data Book of endangered species, is growing faster by the day! Urbanization increases at a staggering rate, etc., etc. Are we really trying to make THAT difference?

2007-07-21 06:56:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-21 06:36:54 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-21 06:33:41 · 22 answers · asked by Marco 3

Explain your answer............
Thanks, for answering in advance! :-)

*Have a nice weekend*, ahead of you! :)

Thanks for sharing.............

Take care!

2007-07-21 06:28:28 · 32 answers · asked by Kimberly 6

I am considering microdermabrasion, because I have relatively minor scars (I think....not deep but some visible craters) from acne and realistic expectations about what microdermabrasion can and cannot do. My question is that I don't have any acne right now, but that is because I am using proactiv which prevents any from forming. So, should I get the treatment done now or wait until I know my skin is completely calm (because it's only kept under control; if i stop using Poractiv acne would began to resurface). My concern is whether if would be very safe for me to undergo microdermabrasion now, you know when my skin isn't you know. What do you think I should do? If it helps you I'm 17.

2007-07-21 06:26:33 · 5 answers · asked by Tiffany 3

where would be the first place you visit? and why?

2007-07-21 06:19:21 · 7 answers · asked by bagel lover 3

I'm not expecting many answers on this but...

Lets say you have a classroom of children who's behaviour differs from very bad to angelic. You get rid of the very bad kids. Then the teacher's view changes. Out of the kids that are still left, the bad become the new very bad. so you get rid of them. But you will always have very bad kids however many you get rid of as its dependant on what is there.

Another example is you get rid of all the evil in the world then the next generation will see things that we don't think are that bad as evil and will want to see that got rid of.

2007-07-21 06:17:52 · 20 answers · asked by Wulfruna 3

you could place a third eye, where would you place it? and what would you wanna see with it?

2007-07-21 06:12:18 · 14 answers · asked by bagel lover 3

2007-07-21 06:05:27 · 17 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6

when do you most likely need help?
to reFuel(LOVE or inspiration)
for change of Tire(AMBITION and Perseverance)
to Pee(for BASIC NEEDS)
or what else?

2007-07-21 06:02:50 · 25 answers · asked by enki 4

2007-07-21 05:51:09 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

then when shall we get there.............and where are we going..............

2007-07-21 05:37:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

what outlets would you use? with whom would you share? or would you even dare to share what your soul has seen and always suspected?

2007-07-21 05:29:54 · 24 answers · asked by patzky99 6

If we look regarding any thing we will find that there is nothing good or bad in itself but it become good or bad the way it effect .so what is good ?

2007-07-21 05:26:15 · 19 answers · asked by lathika r 2

2007-07-21 05:18:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

or youve entirely DISCONNECTED?

2007-07-21 05:13:55 · 35 answers · asked by enki 4

2007-07-21 05:10:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-21 05:10:04 · 8 answers · asked by kickinupfunf 6

Occam's razor states that the simpler explanation tends to be correct. Is this merely heuristic or is there a metaphysical reason why it works so well in science?

Famous examples include Newton's explanation of planetary motion, the tides, and the fall of an apple by a single sweeping hypothesis, Darwin's explanation of the rich variety of life as descendents from a single common ancestor, and Copernicus' view that planets orbit the sun in roughly circular orbits.

Sometimes, ideas that violate Occam are the products of wishful thinking. With extreme vanity, man once believed all planets and the sun orbited the earth and invented many specious arguments to explain "retrograde" planetary motion.
The Biblical view that god created millions of species and their habitats separately flatters man's ego as being all for us, the lords over this extremely special creation.

"Tautological nihilism" attempts to explain the world without invoking any hypotheses, principles or substances.

2007-07-21 05:06:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

... just to get these fvcking rich a$$holes a punishment from ol mother nature. this country needs something like a huge collapse of some sort, which is already happening, but slowly. something major needs to happen quick. i know some might say that im sick for wishing the country down, but its not for me to choose, it's merely a matter of time till the punishment (that fits the crime) occurs in this country. if all the lies and secrets that occurred in this country (and other countries) were told, it would have collapsed LONG ago. it is like an earthquake, you can feel the early tremors right now, and also like an earthquake, it is needed to get rid of the tension and pressure that has been aggravating the country for so long. it is needed, and the collapse will happen, thank god. it is deserved for this country to collapse. or at least get close to it. it is just that the masses that don't know the truth about human evil think it will be undeserved. it isn't undeserved.

2007-07-21 04:42:12 · 9 answers · asked by easeofdisease 1

2007-07-21 04:31:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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