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All categories - 26 December 2007

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cous take it from me there is no heavin and no hell coming up to our future!!!!!

and trust me, I no this things!!

2007-12-26 08:23:05 · 33 answers · asked by ★ Vaginal Discount ★ 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Hey we are 4 people who want to know who is cooler. So pick a name.

-or Morgan

So just vote =) Thanks!

2007-12-26 08:23:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

Alright… There’s this girl that quite frankly, I believe I love. Can’t stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. Its not that I am obsessed or infatuated, it is just more of my incompetence to be able to do what I need to. I am a sophomore in high school and she is a junior. At the beginning of the school year, I had known her for a year and I liked her during the previous year but I made no attempt to get closer. This year that has changed and my interest in her has increased greatly as I got to know her better. I am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where I can ask her out. One major point to bring up is that to this date, I have never been in a relationship of any sorts. Period. After about three months of getting closer to her I asked my best friend (he had been friends with her since they were young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought I liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). She said she thought I did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. Now, a month later, I had been talking to her pretty much every day. Both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. She was opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. Now, I know that this is a big load of bull so I always just explain to her why she isn't and I just try and comfort her. Now, in a much broader period of time, I realized that I was talking to her a bit too much. Realizing this, I backed off, trying to give her some space. As a result, I think she doesn’t feel as pressured anymore, and as a result, when I do talk with her, the conversations tend to be much more engaging and just better overall. Unfortunately, I have gone back to my old habits of being too caught up in the moment and freaked out to ever talk to her in person. At this time, I haven’t the faintest idea of what she feels for me, and what is going through her head. The time I spend talking with her, even the time I spend with her when I don’t talk is an adrenaline rush like none other. I feel ecstatic. All of my worries and negative emotions flood away from me in an instant. I don’t know…. I don’t want to be an inconvenience I just really need to talk about it. Any responses would be amazing. Thank you for spending the time to read this…

2007-12-26 08:22:52 · 1 answers · asked by patton 1 in Singles & Dating

i was wondering to know what to buy tommorow in HMV because my girlfriend is coming over to my house and stay for the night!..what movie should i buy and she really really likes romantic comedies and loves to laugh and kisses me after!...can someone tell me their top best romantic comedy please (remember not a black and white movie or any classic stuff..if y'all know what i mean) merri xmas y'all and happi new year!

2007-12-26 08:22:38 · 2 answers · asked by HBpencil 4 in Movies


La Mer
Adrift and At Peace
Just Like You Imagined
Into The Void
The Day The World Went Away
Mr. Self Destruct
March Of The Pigs
Zero Sum
Captial G
and many more.....

Trent Reznor is a pure genuis and very cool guy.

2007-12-26 08:22:32 · 6 answers · asked by Next evolutionary step... 6 in Rock and Pop

2007-12-26 08:22:28 · 31 answers · asked by ben t 3 in Toys

I think it's a very complex situation that will never be resolved to EVERYONE'S satisfaction.

What is your view on it?

2007-12-26 08:22:28 · 33 answers · asked by Dog Tricks 4 in Immigration

ok i had to reset my computer to factory settings so i lost all security stuff etc tht i had set up, i cant remeber what all i had etc. so i need to know a few things
1- what security package should i put on to take care of everything
2-do i have to go thru the whole reinstallin of aol to get it back on, as im using interent explorer riht now and its really slow and pop ups coming up all the time, why is all this?
3- computer seems to be running slow, even though theres hardly anthing taking up the memory

2007-12-26 08:22:22 · 3 answers · asked by lauren m 1 in Security


does anyone know where to buy jeans with a padded butt? is there such a thing?

2007-12-26 08:22:11 · 8 answers · asked by Enchanted One 5 in Fashion & Accessories

MIghty Mouse and Mickey Mouse???

2007-12-26 08:22:03 · 7 answers · asked by Francesca 5 in Polls & Surveys

so it has PCIe 1.1 but the card is PCIe2 ..due to this will i be able to get the full power out from the card or is going to be limited ?

2007-12-26 08:22:02 · 1 answers · asked by randike2007 1 in Other - Hardware

2007-12-26 08:21:55 · 11 answers · asked by LolaCorolla 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-26 08:21:40 · 20 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Gender Studies

I've opened a 529 account for my son recently, with the minimum funding of $25. Are there any tax implications if I fund this account before December 31? Will this reduce my federal tax if I do this?

I live in California, and I know that I don't reduce my state tax through my 529 contribution.


2007-12-26 08:21:35 · 2 answers · asked by Ashwath 1 in United States

In other words: non-Christians feel bombarded with hypocritical Christians who accuse them, judge them, and condemn them for all of their “sins”.

All with the horrific and ominous threat of “hell” that inevitably awaits such “sinners”.

Does this sound like “good news” to you???

And if a Christian’s chief responsibility to the rest of the world is to proclaim the Gospel of the GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, then why is it overwhelmingly true that the non-Christian’s perspective of the basic message of Christianity the exact opposite? That is, seen as "bad news" rather than the good news that it is?

2007-12-26 08:21:34 · 30 answers · asked by yachadhoo 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I weigh 123 pounds and am 5'1 and 16 years old

How should I lose 13 pounds in 4 months, and is it possible/safe?

2007-12-26 08:21:32 · 7 answers · asked by Lettuce 3 in Diet & Fitness

...in the years 2000-2007?

2007-12-26 08:21:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

i have a 7kg turkey in the over at 350, just wondering how long im suppose to cook it for.

2007-12-26 08:21:18 · 6 answers · asked by quangle 1 in Cooking & Recipes

Are practicing, faithful Jews (those that follow Judaism) equal in God's eyes as the practicing, faithful Christians?

2007-12-26 08:21:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am 30. He dumped me a year ago, I suffered a lot, I wanted him back, tried to fight against my feelings, but NOW, I realized that I am still and only full of rage. he and his family treated me like you treat garbage, they basically throw me out of the door.
I am not in touch with him any longer,we didnt even swapped Xmas wishes. I hate him for how he treated me. I don't know what to do. Every night I dream about how much I'd love to ruin his life and new relationship. I am full of hate and I want to fight that. What could I do? Please help. I feel I am getting crazy. I have no friends and no family to support me.

2007-12-26 08:21:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My business is impacted by the weather on a day to day basis - specifically, when it's raining or very hot we get busier. I'm wondering if there is a resource available that will let me check the weather for dates in the past to help with current year business projections.

2007-12-26 08:21:10 · 5 answers · asked by Justin H 7 in Weather

What do you all thing of this appliance?

2007-12-26 08:21:05 · 36 answers · asked by sara 4 in Decorating & Remodeling

2007-12-26 08:21:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have removed the partition that was labeled 'D drive', but I cannot remove the C drive partition without losing the data. How do I allocate the unallocated storage to the C drive to increase the capacity?

2007-12-26 08:20:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

i dont know how bad this virus is, i need something free that can get rid of this, please help me, thanks

2007-12-26 08:20:43 · 5 answers · asked by butterfly 1 in Security

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