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All categories - 10 December 2007

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Does belief in God make a person less smart then a Atheist?

2007-12-10 06:34:39 · 70 answers · asked by tim D 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have friend that I knew from BEFORE when he was single. He used to make jokes about how women did not want to be with him. I imagine this bothered him even more so because he is a great catch and he knew it. Fast forward one year he met someone and a year later he got engaged. Now he has been engaged almost a year. Why is my friend still making jokes about how women find him unnattractive?

I want to hear from married couples because you have been through the whole engagement experience.

thank you for your cooperation.

2007-12-10 06:34:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-10 06:34:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

Just a quick question. If you have been masturbating from, lets say the age of 10. dose it, or did i effect the groth, or develpment of your penis,Or its size?

And. are thoughs who masturbate from a younger age, more likely to have bigger penises?


2007-12-10 06:34:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

Is it beneficial or harmful to complain to someone else about your problems?

2007-12-10 06:34:27 · 23 answers · asked by Ron L 4 in Polls & Surveys

My husband and I are not getting along. I found him registered on dating sites and left the house about four weeks ago. He changed the locks on my house and I could not get all my belongings... (I have been giving him money to help pay for the bills to his house, even though I haven't lived there for a month.)
We set up a time and day for me to get my belongings. When I went to the house. He wouldn't let me in. He said that he would box my things and hand them out the door! I was sobbing! My life was in there! I called the police and he let me in only for an hour! I am mortified! I have been helping him and trying to think through everything! He is the one who was looking for love elsewhere! And now he is saying he cheated on me!
Is this normal? Also his mother and father were in the house with him and they would not let me in!

2007-12-10 06:34:05 · 13 answers · asked by Becca 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My coolant runs low quickly, Radiator bubbles and gives off steam, exhaust has white smoke but so does all other cars now. My mechanic had a quick look at the radiator and exhaust and said that the gasket isnt gone but its going!! Is this right?? If so how long til it goes?? Thanks for your reply's

2007-12-10 06:33:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-12-10 06:33:52 · 19 answers · asked by ♥Saw Dust♥ 7 in Polls & Surveys

My dear hubby put the frozen beef chorizo in the fridge a couple days ago, so I need to use it today. I've cooked with it before, but it's always seemed to involve eggs. I need ideas for something different since all the recipes I see seem to use eggs and I'm not in the mood for eggs tonight. I don't need recipes (but you can if you want!) just some ideas. Suggestions, anyone?

2007-12-10 06:33:51 · 10 answers · asked by chefgrille 7 in Cooking & Recipes

I've only had Turkey, with mashed potatoes, gravy, and that sort of thing, but hubby asked for ham this year. I have no idea what to pair with ham.

2007-12-10 06:33:45 · 7 answers · asked by jdecorse25 5 in Cooking & Recipes

For the past few years, I have owned a 360 and have loved it. About 2 months ago, I bought a Wii and hated it. I sold it on ebay for a large profit and bought a PS3 with the money.

The PS3 is the perfect system for me. It has an upconverting dvd player and plays my old PS2 disks perfectly. All this has got me to thinking about selling my 360 on ebay as well. I have nearly $400 dollars worth of extras to go with it and know it would sell at a great price. Plus, I could use the money for grad school (books etc.) in January.

I was also thinking that most of the games I am looking foward to are either sports games or coming out for the PS3, meaning I won't miss out on any upcoming 360 exclusives.

The only problem is I am someone attached to the system. I have taken absolute impeccable care of it and enjoyed playing it for the past 20 months or so. Should I sell the 360 or keep it? Honestly, I don't see it getting a whole lot more usage.

2007-12-10 06:33:39 · 8 answers · asked by jake122683 2 in Xbox

i think this could be true, because the only person tht has any idea about whats going on in their life and their dreams is the dreamer himself...right?

2007-12-10 06:33:30 · 7 answers · asked by 01101001 3 in Dream Interpretation

http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/film/undergrads/careers/bow.jpg What do you think about having a perm?

2007-12-10 06:33:16 · 20 answers · asked by ancutzabatalar 3 in Hair

They watch a lot of Walker, Texas ranger out there amonst the corn fields.

2007-12-10 06:32:53 · 16 answers · asked by 2 5 in Elections

What they would really expect.
Action or just physical appearance.
Woulld I be needing any lubricants while in Sex.

2007-12-10 06:32:44 · 11 answers · asked by joke_err007 1 in Men's Health

What should I get my uncle for Christmas? He is a great uncle that got me a job at the warehouse he is a manager at. Im actually quitting the job though so that I can go to my school full time. He is about 55-60 years old.

2007-12-10 06:32:41 · 2 answers · asked by hyawatha15 3 in Other - Electronics

2007-12-10 06:32:41 · 17 answers · asked by DrMikeonCall 4 in Football (American)

I'm trying to get a feel for how old the Answer crowd is...I think I have a general idea, and I want to see if I'm close.

2007-12-10 06:32:34 · 28 answers · asked by Joanne 3 in Singles & Dating

our apt manager who we are having issues with will not give us the name of the company who manages the property. is she allowed to withhold that info from us? we do not owe the apts money never been late on rent at all. and never caused problems. we had a problem with maintanance and our neighbors busted our window to the living room, and then our car stereo was stolen, so we talked to her and she was literally screaming at us for no reason. we asked her for her boss's number and she said no she wont give it to us so we asked for a copy of our lease, it says bmg managment but we have googled it and cant find the number to them. what can we do about this we need to complain about her to the property owners and she refuses to give us the name or number!???????

2007-12-10 06:32:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I'm trying to buy something for a 8yo boy at a shelter and he has this item on his list. Is it a motorcycle or helicopter? I'm also guessing that it's a toy of some sort.

2007-12-10 06:32:09 · 4 answers · asked by alurt_rekoob 4 in Motorcycles

i have dried brown lentils and i don't know how to re-hydrate them or cook them can anyone sugest any thing please?

2007-12-10 06:32:02 · 3 answers · asked by mary catherine m 2 in Cooking & Recipes

2007-12-10 06:32:00 · 7 answers · asked by ivyrose4700 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

first,before you find your lover?
Or do you grow with eachother and discover yourself within the relationship?

2007-12-10 06:31:58 · 21 answers · asked by Serene 5 in Polls & Surveys

I need something that can store a lot, so what should I look for? Does it have to do with the hardrive or RAM? See, the one I am interested in says:
160GB Hard Drive
Is that good? What is a good range in RAM and Hard Drive to have if you plan on storing a lot. Also, what do I need to buy so that I can transfer my files from this computer onto my new laptop?

Thanks so much.

2007-12-10 06:31:58 · 7 answers · asked by *Eugene* 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

2007-12-10 06:31:47 · 27 answers · asked by tulip 4 in Polls & Surveys

So my fiance's parents gave him a check for $2000 for moving expenses and so we can have some type of money for our small apartment we're renting this weekend.... so he asks me if he can have half of it for his college school loans? As if we didn't need that money to move, to buy groceries, and to furnish an apartment? I seriously feel hurt that he feels he needs that money for a student loan that can be paid for later on... What should i do? Isn't that money OURS instead of HIS?

2007-12-10 06:31:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i need help for my english essay.
i dont understand all the infomation on the net.
help please
thanks :D

2007-12-10 06:31:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A quote from "Lord Chubbington" AKA Rush Limbaugh....

2007-12-10 06:31:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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