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right handed

2007-12-10 06:37:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

just like, why do they want to get into your life, your heart??

do they really belong there?


2007-12-10 06:37:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A 1500-kg car is allowed to coast along a level track at a speed of 8.0 m/s. It collides and couples with a 2000-kg triuck, initially at rest and with brakes released. What is the speed of the two vehicles after they collide?
A) 4.4 m/s

B) 6.0 m/s

C) 4.6 m/s

D) 0.75 m/s

The answer I get is 3.4m/s because since the momentum is conserved the answer should be: (8m/s * 1500kg)/(1500kg+2000kg). Can someone confirm this?

2007-12-10 06:36:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

How do I get my butt back. I lost weight a couple months ago by cutting out processed foods and eating healthy..now even with size 0 jeans..they sag in the butt..even my spandex workout pants sag and dont fit my butt..I used to have a nice round butt...how can I get it back? im 22 female, 5"4 and weigh 100 pounds

2007-12-10 06:36:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

What are the factors to consider in planning for special occassions?

2007-12-10 06:36:35 · 3 answers · asked by diayocem 2 in Homework Help

In most cities that have a black mayor, there seems to be a black entourage with them all the time. If Obama is elected do you think he will have a black entourage surrounding him? Will his appointed staff be mostly black?

2007-12-10 06:36:34 · 9 answers · asked by canam 7 in Elections

I know this has been a pretty disappointing season, but do you think the panthers need to look for a QB for the future in the upcoming draft? Jake is 32 years old, David Carr is......well David Carr, and Matt Moore seems to be pretty good, but still, should they look for a QB ?

2007-12-10 06:36:13 · 2 answers · asked by uthamanj 4 in Football (American)

2007-12-10 06:36:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I took a pair of my grandmother's beads ( she passed away a few years ago ) and restrung them with some more beads and a cameo pin to make a new pendant for my mother for christmas. Is this a bad thing to do? If not, should I pair something else with it? Like a poem or a framed picture of my grandmother? Thanks in advance!

2007-12-10 06:35:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

They'll be hanging just under the window not to the floor. Please choose either one (no one really cares how much anyone else loves a polka dotted velvet sash skewn over a curtain rod as a valance, but no offense). lol. Thank you.

2007-12-10 06:35:45 · 10 answers · asked by hmm 5 in Decorating & Remodeling

Appreciate any Help

2007-12-10 06:35:43 · 13 answers · asked by savannah 1 in Global Warming

britain have the finest fighting forces in the world, send them to iraq with a load of yanks and they all end up getting shot! why does the government give any old redneck idiot in america a gun and tell them to fire at will? should they at least be shown how to hold a gun?

2007-12-10 06:35:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-12-10 06:35:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

she been talking about sending me away all just because I didn't like her boyfriend I'm about to be 16 soon very soon and I can't stand my mother I HATE HER WITH PASSION. so many broken promises so many shed tears for stupid things my mother is mentally but I don't care she blames everything thing for her mental illness and takes no responsibililty for any of her actions if I was sent away I wouldn't care because my mother is insane and I can't stand her. about the revenge part when she gets old I was thinking about putting her in a nursing home where she can get abused because she deserves it . I can't stand everything she does she never there for me and nver home all she does is yell and I'm happy when she's not home I HATE HER.

2007-12-10 06:35:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

My brother and I were at a bar, but when I left, he stayed behind (he was making friends and what not). My brother is 21, but I'm 19 years old (still they served me alcohol without ID-ing me). Anyway, I spoke to him @ 10pm, and he was fine, as did my father at 11pm. At 2am, I received a call from the police saying that he had gotten into a 'little altercation, and that he was sleeping, so that I shouldn't bother to get him until the next day.' Well, I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep after hearing that, so I went to go pick him up, and got to the hospital at 4AM. When I got there, he was separated in a room away from the other patients, with an officer outside of his room. He was handcuffed to the bed, restrained with a vest that was attached to the bed, as well as sedated with Adavan and something else (started with an 'H'). He was completely unresponsive. He had a nice shiner coming in on his right eye/cheek, a lump over his left eyebrow, an abrasion above his (cont'd)

2007-12-10 06:35:05 · 5 answers · asked by sarah820w 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-12-10 06:35:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Look I live with a chronic bad back and while I try to do without medicine sometimes the pain is so blinding it feels like I'm a puppet with its strings cut...Still the doctors only answer is to load me up on powerful "dont care about anything narcotics"...Of which I rarely take...

I feel some pain is useful it tells me I have to be careful and not over do...but when I'm on the doctor pills I forget I cant do somethings any more and sure enough I'll do something foolish then spend weeks wishing I had taken the pills...

So what do you all think? should we really be trying to knock out all pain or is a little reminder helpful?

2007-12-10 06:35:02 · 2 answers · asked by BigBadWolf 6 in Pain & Pain Management

Was white phosphorus only used in WP grenades or were there willy pete air strikes like there were with napalm? (and yes i know the differences between napalm and white phosphorus so no need for anyone to give an answer about the differences)

2007-12-10 06:35:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-12-10 06:34:59 · 8 answers · asked by STORMY K 3 in Psychology

It has its advantages.

2007-12-10 06:34:53 · 8 answers · asked by tictak kat 7 in Christmas

Personally I don't think we can change our spouse, but I do think we can influence them. Everyday we can influence our spouse in a positive or negative way.
If someone is trying to change their spouse, would you consider them a master manipulator? Reasoning, "If I do this, then my spouse will do that." "If I can make my spouse miserable enough, or happy enough, then I'll get what I want." I believe this way of thinking will run us to a dead end road. Even if they change, they will resent you for manipulating them.

2007-12-10 06:34:53 · 22 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Flying high like the sun, soaring in the blue enormity of the mountain sky
Descending, like a rock dropping out of the heavens,
Like a bolt of lightning, screeching as it races right down at its prey, Plunging into icy water with all of Earth's harshness
Reappearing from the water's darkness, climbing up, up into the sky,
Shedding water off its wings, now glistening like diamonds, as it speeds, higher and higher into the crystal heavens
Stopping as it speeds its climb,
It peaks, levels and circles once again
The world down below applauds at its feet, The wind whistles with amazement

The water sore from its ripping talons, which slashed the clear water's surface causing ripples, making only minimal noise compared to the damage it suffered

The Eagle, Nature's Predator.

2007-12-10 06:34:51 · 3 answers · asked by Stacy 1 in Earth Sciences & Geology

and does it taste good?

2007-12-10 06:34:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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