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All categories - 1 December 2007

Arts & Humanities · Beauty & Style · Business & Finance · Cars & Transportation · Computers & Internet · Consumer Electronics · Dining Out · Education & Reference · Entertainment & Music · Environment · Family & Relationships · Food & Drink · Games & Recreation · Health · Home & Garden · Local Businesses · News & Events · Pets · Politics & Government · Pregnancy & Parenting · Science & Mathematics · Social Science · Society & Culture · Sports · Travel

BTW, I mean risky by another violation!!! Hopefully Y!A don't get on me about this.

Anyway here we go:

MissHildy vs. PhenomWoman

Diva vs. RunRiot

Lara Croft vs. Viva La Edge

Borntobefree vs Animal Luvr

Curious Girl vs. LK

Not a tourney!!! If this goes well I will do a tourney and add more users!!!

2007-12-01 02:59:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Wrestling

2007-12-01 02:58:50 · 35 answers · asked by Yahoo 4 in Polls & Surveys

like boston massachutts

2007-12-01 02:58:39 · 5 answers · asked by MARIA R 1 in History

If I make 30k a year, how much spending money does that actually give me per month after taxes? thanks for the help!

2007-12-01 02:58:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Has more profiles at P&S?

2007-12-01 02:57:57 · 22 answers · asked by Madam Naka 7 in Polls & Surveys

treatement without medicin?

2007-12-01 02:57:50 · 11 answers · asked by kristine m 1 in Skin Conditions

What can one do to prevent excessive amounts of flatulence?!

2007-12-01 02:57:43 · 19 answers · asked by Fall Back 3 in Polls & Surveys

My three month old daughter keeps throwing up her formula. I've been giving her pedialite (spelling??) she keeps that down but not her formula. She is already on lactose free formula, this has been going on since early thursday morning. She eats and then about 10 minutes later she throws it up. Mot all the time but most of the time and it is alot. It is clumpy and sour smelling. Has anyone had this problem??

2007-12-01 02:57:37 · 14 answers · asked by maria r 2 in Newborn & Baby

My hamster just passed away. I've had exactly 4 months with him.

The pet shop said he was 1 year old when they gave him to me. But I think they lied because my hamster did not have any symptoms of getting sick. I think he died of old age.

I'm really upset. Do you think I should get another one? And if so, what type? This hamster was my first hamster and he was a Syrian. And do you think I could get a refund?


2007-12-01 02:57:30 · 10 answers · asked by wooo 3 in Rodents


On the blueprint of Laurens new office building, the scale is 3 in. equals 8 ft. What will be the actual length of Laurens office if it measures 6in. long on the blueprint?

2007-12-01 02:57:21 · 4 answers · asked by Sis F 6 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 . imagine it is numbers in a rule. the question is estimate the positions of 5,25,10,20,40,50,80 n 3. i think the positions can be find by diving the place.eg. 2,3,4 then 8-4=4 n then divide by 2 u get 6 so you can estimate where is 5,6, or 7. my question is what there is got to do with exponential or logarithm. basically, you can find the number positions by dividing them. if the area is big, you have divide many times n then you can find the position. if anyone understand the link between exponential or logarithm with the position estimation question pls help me

2007-12-01 02:57:15 · 2 answers · asked by as always 1 in Mathematics

I am looking for a fun wii game, but not party/sports games, one that will take me a long time to beat. Please do not recomend anything rated m.

2007-12-01 02:57:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Nintendo Wii

when people ask questions on why christians do this and why atheists do that. basically persecuting each other. when the hard core truth about it is there is bad and good apples in each category. im catholic, but to not be a hypocrit i will add that im not a perfect person, i try not to judge. then why does so many christians(catholic, method., baptis., etc) judge others (not all of course), and why do so many atheists(not all) care about what christians do if they dont believe? im not trying to be a smart a** about this question, i really dont get it.

2007-12-01 02:56:46 · 20 answers · asked by bubbles 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok, anyone can answer this, but guys could know more. Um, well, my older brother is 17, and I really want to get him so gifts for christmas. He wants some game for his XBOX 360, it's called solider row, or something like that. He love the yankees, canes, and cowboys. Any suggestions for what else i could get him??? I'm filling his stocking with funions, almonds, and some other tiny gifts for him. PLEASE HELP!!!!

2007-12-01 02:56:25 · 10 answers · asked by C17 4 in Polls & Surveys

He's hyper, playful and disobeying. He's a small dog and, mixed breed (poodle/yorkie) and looks like a shitzu. He's annoying too. The only people in the house he's afraid of is me and my dad, but he loves me more. I hate it when one of us walk him and he some how gets off his leash and starts running. Then when we call his name he stays were he is. We chase him and it'll take like 10 minutes till he gives in. Sometimes the same thing happens when we open the front door and he runs out. We keep him outside in our backyard. He's only potty trained to using newspapers.

He's also afraid of rolled up newspapers, so will it help me train him on how to obey?
Were can I get info on how to train him obedience? I thought I knew how to train him, but I figure theres something wrong with how I train him that he wouldn't listen to me.

2007-12-01 02:56:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Out of the ones featuring Peter Gabriel at vocals.

2007-12-01 02:55:59 · 2 answers · asked by kathleenjohnson 2 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-01 02:55:49 · 52 answers · asked by Mr.& Mrs.CoolBreeze SFCU 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Now, I don't think I'm the greatest poet and I also can't remember how I got the inspiration to write this either.

Anyway it's called Frogs and Dogs:

Frogs and Dogs in togs, sat on a log, overlooking a briny bog.
Hogs and Mogs at a bar, drinking Egg-nog, get up and jog through a busy fog, moving fast like clockwork cogs.
Those frogs and dogs jump off that log then swim about in that briny bog,
While the hogs and mogs, they stop their jog and make their way slowly out of that busy fog.

The frogs, dogs, hogs and mogs all meet up upon that log.
Then… the mogs chase the frogs, while the dogs chase the mogs, and the hogs chase the dogs.
While the hogs and mogs get lost in the fog, the frogs and dogs escape in their togs whilst swimming fast and far in that briny bog.
The hogs and mogs jog, back to the bar to continue drinking like never-ending clockwork cogs, their favourite drink, Egg-nog.

- 15/10/02

© Cpt.Peggy_Leg

2007-12-01 02:55:45 · 8 answers · asked by ♆Şрhĩņxy - Lost In Time. 7 in Poetry

i certainly do.... anyone above 17 that takes airheads seriously instantly lose value in mine eyes....

2007-12-01 02:55:45 · 12 answers · asked by amphetamine 3 in Polls & Surveys

Am gatvol of guessing and waiting

2007-12-01 02:55:31 · 4 answers · asked by Bossie 2 in PlayStation

against what they had professed to believe in the past, how would you react?

2007-12-01 02:55:29 · 37 answers · asked by Enigma®Ragnarökin' 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Pain started four months ago, at the crown of my head towards the left side, accompanied by tingling and itching sensation, radiating towards the temple and the back of my neck. There has also been a dull ache behind my left eye. The pain has since subsided into a dull, heavy feeling of pressure still accompanied by occasional tingling and itching mostly between the crown and the temple, although there is still some pain behind the left eye. There is also a tiny, hard lump on the scalp in the affected area, but it seems unrelated.

Symptoms arose shortly after having two back, bottom molars removed, which allowed impacted wisdom teeth to begin moving. Although it was also at this time that I acquired a laptop computer, which has put a significant amount of strain on my neck, shoulders, and eyes after prolonged use. There is also an undiagnosed and untreated chronic sinus symptom that I have had for years, which causes a heavy amount of mucus to flow freely in the mornings.

2007-12-01 02:55:23 · 5 answers · asked by PAUL 4 in Other - Health


my son is a TV addict! His eyes are glued to the TV at least 5 hours a day esp bedtime. he must watch his favourite DVDs before he agrees to sleep. if he doesnt get what he wants, he would throw a big tantrum and cries till he vomits. im the cause of the problem. i have been over-indulgent and gives in all the time. is it too late to stop this bad habit of ours? im on the verge of throwing away the tv and dvd player!!

2007-12-01 02:55:13 · 9 answers · asked by noelle12345 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Please Help!!! I was married in a church, by a Priest. I just found out that we are not registered in the state of WA. They have no records of us being married. We figured that the Priest who married us didn't send in our marriage papers that we had signed before he married us. Legally, are we married? Legally, would I need to file for a divorce?

2007-12-01 02:55:02 · 5 answers · asked by Mochi E 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i havent seen one ugly guy from the army.. god even their personalities are great ( from what ive seen )

2007-12-01 02:54:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-01 02:54:30 · 27 answers · asked by ~welshy~ 5 in Polls & Surveys

I had an arranged marriage in 2003. On honeymoon my husband had a heart attack. He underwent angioplasty and was hospiitalized. I took care of him. when he came back froom the hospital he was a changed person. The entire family blamed the heartattack on my stars ( he is an alcoholic and a chain smoker). His mother constantly found faults in me and ridiculed me. He never took me out and used to find an excuse that I am fat ( i have been plump always) .His mother used to constantly tell him how bad i was .The actual reason was that his mother had actually wanted money out of this marriage. My father was supposed to gift me a car on my marriage which they refused since they had two. After marriage they started asking for cash. I was pregnant at that time and I came back to my dad since I could not digest that they married me for money. I went back after I had my girl thinking things will improve. they didnt. I came back.. its been 8 months now..he is not bothered to know how his child is.

2007-12-01 02:54:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2007-12-01 02:54:27 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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