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1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 . imagine it is numbers in a rule. the question is estimate the positions of 5,25,10,20,40,50,80 n 3. i think the positions can be find by diving the place.eg. 2,3,4 then 8-4=4 n then divide by 2 u get 6 so you can estimate where is 5,6, or 7. my question is what there is got to do with exponential or logarithm. basically, you can find the number positions by dividing them. if the area is big, you have divide many times n then you can find the position. if anyone understand the link between exponential or logarithm with the position estimation question pls help me

2007-12-01 02:57:15 · 2 answers · asked by as always 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

2 answers

With the powers of 2 evenly spaced on a rule, 1, 2, 4, ... The rule could be used as a simple slide rule. But, as you say, where do you place the numbers in between? The positions on the rule represent powers of two, so the six, for example would be placed at a point which equals the exponent you would have to put on 2 to get 6. That can be found using your calculator and this formula:
logb(x) = logk(x)/logk(b)
You can use either the natural log key, ln, or log base ten, log. But be consistent. Here's what you would do for 6:
log2(6) = ln(6)/ln(2) = 2.585, say 2.59. So the 6 is 59/100'ths of the way from the 4 to the 8. Not half way as you seem to suggest in your description.All the numbers you have listed can be located using the method described above.
To use this as a slide rule, you would need two identically calibrated rules, and you would multiply, for example, by adding segments that represent exponents of 2.

2007-12-01 08:33:29 · answer #1 · answered by jsardi56 7 · 0 0

Its a humorous component rather once you supply up and think of approximately it, the AFL is in many situations mentioned because of the fact the main suitable interest in the worldwide, under the heading " Aussie policies ", yet actual the policies have become a symbolic shambles of the great interest. The discovered stupidity of a million/2 wit self opiniated pompous ex gamers and others, given the the suitable to sit down down in judgement of the sport in the media, and on inept fractured committee's, are systematically stuffing it up . the flexibility collectives administering the sport, the AFL commision, the golf equipment, the gamers affiliation, coaches affiliation, the media, and sponsors all have a say,in one way or yet another, in the on a daily basis working and workings of the contest, however the sport in genuine phrases, is on a decrease back highway to catastrophe, if in actuality there is everyone or a team influencing an schedule for the sport to turn into UNISEX useful ! . It only strikes me as completely mind-blowing nonetheless, that the biggest collective of all, THE followers, the so noted as supporters and the video games best finnacial contributors after sponsors, are continually left dumbfounded ,speechless and without voice, whilst it is composed of decisive administration of the worlds superb interest . collectively as Bobby Davis is retained resting in peace, i nevertheless want his quote, "honest DINKUM impressive !! NB :With admire i visit be outa right here at a moments word, if in actuality AFL footy will become a unisex interest (like racing) . I only could not tolerate champion small forwards like Tanya Hyde, Robyn Banks, Pearly Gates, or maybe Robyn Betts, being judged by ability of the MRP or in tribunal sittings, charged with squirrel grip controversies. it may additionally be so unfair on 'nightly information journalists' attempting to describe the expenses. common-sense ought to continually be maintained and enforced ?

2016-12-10 08:59:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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