Some details for you: 30 gallon tank, 2 female guppies, 2 males guppies, 6 glass bloodfin tetras, 1 blue gourami, 1 small catfish, 1 little aquarium frog.
I'm almost positive i bought my one female guppy pregnant. If not; she's pregnant now! Haha, I had guppies before. And acutally one had babies before too. There was about 15 of them and they all died within two months.
I have one of these:
that the mother will go in once I'm sure she's going to have the drop within the next couple of days. Once she has all the babies, should I immediatlly put them in the ten gallon tank?
What should the ten gallon tank contain? Should i put snails in there? I plan on using fake plants.
thank you :)
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