Here's another argument from an atheist:
"The Bible says that Jesus and God are one, yet seperate. Jesus is God, but he's not, but he is. In the New Testament, Satan is seen tempting Jesus/God. This is interesting since Satan knew that Jesus was God and yet seperate, so why did he think that tempting him would work?
"I'm going to tempt Jesus/God so that Jesus/God wouldn't be without sin, so he couldn't die for people's sins so everyone will go to Hell. God won't see that coming. It's not like God can see into the future."
Here is my rebuttal:
Jesus did not know for sure what would happen in every single circumstance. When God sent himself as Jesus on the earth, I believe that he cut himself off from some of his knowledge. If Jesus knew everything single thing, then it wouldn't have been a true test.
Jesus was to live as a man so he could die for our sins.
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Religion & Spirituality