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All categories - 30 October 2007

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He has just proven he does not have what the Premier League requires and Mourinho has proven to really know what it requres.

There is no doubt british care more about the premiership rather than other trophies.


2007-10-30 19:47:13 · 16 answers · asked by Invasion 3 in English Football

I mean, really, that'd just be the pinnacle of anything, ever. What would be the use of wasting more of this "time" nonsense? Psssssssshhhhh!

2007-10-30 19:47:12 · 9 answers · asked by Brandon's been a dirty Hore 5 in Religion & Spirituality

My mom when she eats solid food the food stops just below the vocal cord area in the throat & just sits there but when she swallows soft foods like yogurt or a drink goes down fine. Mom feels sick to her stomach during those times too. The doctor said she didnt think there was anything wrong! do you believe that! the doctor must be out of her mind. Mom is going in to a new doctor and they will put a camera into her throat lets hop shes safe but it beats the first opinion! Mom had acid reflux years back and had been using those purple pills that is supose to stop it mybe it made things worse? Im thinking theres an obstruction in her throat? Does anyone know what this might be?

2007-10-30 19:47:05 · 4 answers · asked by Elegantgem 1 in Other - Diseases

If so... Well, how can you justify that when he offered his daughters to be gang-raped?...

If not, why did God bother to save him?

PS: I find it deeply disturbing that YA recommends this question for "Singles & Dating"...

2007-10-30 19:46:55 · 9 answers · asked by ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮yelxeH 5 in Religion & Spirituality

till the cows come home .

2007-10-30 19:46:37 · 13 answers · asked by David 6 in Polls & Surveys

A few questions here:

Is this all that I am?
Does any one else miss "Just Me"?
And the questions that "Just Me" asks?

2007-10-30 19:46:16 · 26 answers · asked by Wickwire 5 in Senior Citizens

I have this problem on my math homework. Unfortunately, I put it off until the last minute and I don't remember how to do it.
We've been rewriting exponential functions and solving them. How do I do this?


And can you also explain the math behind what I'm doing for other problems.

Thank you!!

2007-10-30 19:45:42 · 3 answers · asked by mew1033 2 in Mathematics

speeds. Which one would you want to see for real?
If you could push aside the regulations and law. Just for that show. Would this be worth it or not ?

2007-10-30 19:45:29 · 5 answers · asked by TicToc.... 7 in Aircraft

2007-10-30 19:44:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-30 19:44:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

if they've been seeing each other for about a month?

every day? every other day? two three times a week? once a week?

2007-10-30 19:44:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I think Benitez's scenario is similar with Jol where you come step into a team and change many things and once the provide you with the money you request to buy great players the team starts going down and down in terms of result.

2007-10-30 19:44:25 · 6 answers · asked by Invasion 3 in FIFA World Cup (TM)

currently i have a new HP deskjet model. over the last five years ive had hp epson and canon printers and all seems to be the same dilemna. if you choose greyscale mode, your page prints grey alright... by mixing all the colors! after a while, greyscale prints turn to red (or blue, or yellow) as the other colors run out! is there a cheap home printer that does not do this? one that actually just uses the black cartridge when you choose no color? i'm getting sick of buying color cartridges for printing in greyscale.

2007-10-30 19:44:19 · 3 answers · asked by hastingsgames 3 in Printers

2007-10-30 19:43:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A massless spring of spring constant k is mounted on a turntable of rotation inertia I.the turntable is on a frictionless vertical acle,though initially it is not rotating.the spring is compressed a distance dx from its equilibrium,with a mass m placed against it.when the spring si released,the mass leaves the spring moving at right angles to a line through the center of the turntable,at a distance b from the denter,and slides without friction across the table and off find expression for a)the linear speed of the mass and b) the rotational speed of turntable?

2007-10-30 19:43:29 · 1 answers · asked by john m 1 in Physics

hi. im abdul from sudan........the other day i was on a bus and i heard some guys laughing and jokeing. one of them said "why is the grass greener in ireland?" the other guys said " it's because they are all over here in england trampleing on ours" then they started laughing. Then one guy asked "why is the air cleaner in eastern europe" and the other said" it's because they are all over here breathing our air" Is this being racist or just joking around?

2007-10-30 19:43:27 · 43 answers · asked by mr.truth 2 in Immigration

~have a wonderful day~


2007-10-30 19:42:32 · 7 answers · asked by RoChEr 5 in Other - Entertainment

2007-10-30 19:42:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I am talking of course of electronic bugs that transmit audio surveillance. What do they look like typically? How can you find them if they are placed in something you own or where you live? If someone's car is bugged where would you look to see where the bug is located? Would the bug be connected to the car battery or would it be independent of any wiring from the car's electronic interface itself? Without expensive equipment how would I find these devices?

2007-10-30 19:41:59 · 1 answers · asked by Gonzo 5 in Other - Electronics

related module- The Arts and Science of Colours

2007-10-30 19:41:27 · 3 answers · asked by Sora 1 in Homework Help

What type of accomodation would u expect? what sort of activites? Would a four day retreat be enough? What type of extra activites would u want? Honestly, what would u expect to get for your money? How far would u be prepared to travel once you landed in in Australia?

2007-10-30 19:40:40 · 7 answers · asked by john m 1 in Other - Australia

I have a friend that at times I really enjoy being around. Other times, she makes stupid comments like, "I used to sit around feeling sorry for myself all the time, but I don't anymore." After I confided in her about my husbands physical and mental abuse, less then a month after it happened.
Today, after I called and told her about a job she wanted. I told her about my step-children's new hamsters. She then asked, did their mother get them for them? I felt like it was a jab, insinuating I would never do something like that for them. Which is intirely not true.
I've gone from talking to her everyday to a couple times a month. I've never told her how much comments like these upset me. Should I? Or should I just stop talking to her all together?

2007-10-30 19:40:38 · 17 answers · asked by steffi 2 in Friends

2007-10-30 19:40:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Just want a BALLPARK FIGURE....?
how much would it cost to actually identify, round up and deport every illegal immigrant and add to that the dollars lost by businesses that provide services. then add the cost of replacing those workers. just a ballpark figure, is it really cost effective?

2007-10-30 19:39:58 · 1 answers · asked by michr 7 in Economics

I lost my dad September 3, 2006. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. He was only 53 years old!! He had been smoking since he was 13/14 and drinking since he was like 17/18. Everything in his body started to shut down at once! I though he would be okay because when I went to the ED, he was laughing, talking and everything. I told him I had to go back to work but I will see him the next day!! We told each other, I love you.

Sadly when I went back the next day he was at a veggie state(I think the hospital had something to do with it. They killed him). He couldn't talk. His eyes didn't open, and he couldn't move. I never had a chance to say good bye!! I still cry for him for he will never be able to walk me down the aisle or hold his grandchildren. How many of you have lost a loved one? How did it make you feel!! Thanks in advance for sharing!!<3

Sorry I typed so long, I got a little emotional!!<3

2007-10-30 19:39:53 · 11 answers · asked by ♥♥Mommy to 2 Divas♥♥ 7 in Polls & Surveys


2007-10-30 19:38:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

2007-10-30 19:38:13 · 1 answers · asked by saibalengineering 1 in Engineering

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