I purchased my onetouch ultra mini (green) today.
I got it home, opened the box and went through everything.
I'm trying to figure out HOW to store EVERYTHING in the pouch without it ripping and being able to zip it up.
It seems like its a REALLY tight fit!!
the meter itself has a plastic holder it sits in. but where does the lancing pen and strip container go? it seems when I put them each in the other 2 straps and have lancets in the zipper and the book in the back (even tried with the book inside the pouch) it is too tight of a fit.
Does anyone have pics they can email me of how its all supposed to fit in there??
If so, click the button on my yahoo answers profile and send me a message, I'll reply with my emial addy for you to send pics with.
Thank you for any help you can offer!!
2 answers
asked by
brown eyes