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being a god living eternity?
death a release?
this question, so hell is full of pain and suffering for eternity - how long before you become desencetised.....the pain becoming a constant and the norm....... and you are no longer suffering?
If you have only pain, joy is gone, how do you measure pain what is their to compare it too. After millenims you life here would be forgotton. Your pain would ease as you will forget happiness.
And would this not apply to heaven, would constant joy and happiness over the milleniums become taken for granted & not as joyous as when you first entered the pearly gates....therefore becoming mundain and the norm.
Then would this lead to Purgatory being the best place to go next, neither heaven nor hell, ... but waiting to get to either hell or heaven giving you another release to look forward to. Neither as joyous as heaven or as painful as hell open to more balance.
The height of your joy can only be measure from the depth of your sorrow
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