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All categories - 22 September 2007

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2007-09-22 12:11:57 · 3 answers · asked by boredhousewife50 1 in Singles & Dating


2007-09-22 12:11:52 · 0 answers · asked by camyfamy 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

can i borrow ur glasses...? mine broke..

2007-09-22 12:11:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-09-22 12:11:41 · 35 answers · asked by Ask_Elvis 5 in Polls & Surveys

Like I said I am interested but how would I start? Is there any books or websites I can go to for more information? I always pretend that I am famous and use a strobe light to look like a camera, oh and I always pretend to sign autographs too. Oh yeah one more thing i am thirteen year old male.

2007-09-22 12:11:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

600000 iraqis dead if I were u I'd help in the effort to impeach him and have him tried for war crimes.

Not to mention he uses the military to rape innocent civilians


2007-09-22 12:11:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Since I was a teen (I'm now 27), I've had unexplained back and neck pain, headaches, muscle tension, and spasms. About a year and a half ago, the doctors figured it out after an MRI. They said I had varying degrees of damage (none really serious, but all problematic) in four cervical discs with moderate reversal of cervical lordosis.

It seems that the problem is congenital because my mother and both sisters have it to varying degrees. Physical therapy did not help significantly and was way too expensive for me to be able to do it long term.

What are my options for the reversal of lordosis? I know that the discs can improve with physio, postural training, exercise, chiropractic, and other treatments, but I suspect that orthotics or surgery may be the only hope for the curvature problem.

I ask that only medical professionals and those with direct experience with this problem respond.

2007-09-22 12:11:18 · 2 answers · asked by celerybad 2 in Medicine

Here are the symptoms:

1: Licking off huge patches of fur wherever she can reach.
2: Fur on the back of her neck is falling off in patches (she does not wear a collar)
3: Out of character purring
4: Personality change (friendlier, less quick to attack)
5: Labored breathing at times.
6: Loss of shine in coat
7: strange lumps on the back of her front arms, which seem to have short whiskers

Here are the stats:
8 Years old
Small frame, normal weight
Normal eating habits

She is an ex-ferrel cat, and she is a mouser, she completely eats the mice she gets. Same with water-bugs. It seems to me that something is wrong with her, you can tell. She often looks like she's in pain, head down, eyes half-closed, and ears turned back slightly.

2007-09-22 12:11:11 · 10 answers · asked by Ana Makes Art. 3 in Cats

My nephew asks me questions all of the time that I can usually answer with no problem. Today I was sort of shocked when he came to me and asked how to get his classmate from calling him names. I was about give him an answer when I remembered what used to happen after someone called me names in grade school. It was never pretty and I always ended up in the principals office after they would pry me off of the person. I always got suspended too which was never fun (Had 2 deal with my mom's anger the entire time) I didnt want my nephew to go through all that or have all of that stuck to his permanant record so I told him id talk to him about that later today. What do you all suggest I say? Thanks in advance~

2007-09-22 12:11:04 · 10 answers · asked by Jelly 1 in Etiquette

This is the scenario that will play out for you and your family (and has already played for many others around the world) if the terrorist are left unchecked. So my question to you all is this will you convert to Islam and swear allegiance to Alla or loose your head?

2007-09-22 12:11:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


1. List some reasons why humans would select one plant over another plant in a park

2. Suggest some reasons a plant might be categorized as a weed.

3. List abiotic factors of the city park and meadows.

4. Which of the two ecosystems, the meadow or park, would provide a better habitat for a fox? Give reasons.

2007-09-22 12:10:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

I've noticed that some people crush their crackers before adding them to soup or chili. Some people just break them up a little. Others just use them for dunking. I'm a dunker.

What do you prefer?

2007-09-22 12:10:44 · 12 answers · asked by chefgrille 7 in Other - Food & Drink

And another thing... if anyone knew the calorie content and all that kind of stuff i'd appreciate it. I searched to no end online and i couldn't find any info on it. Thanks.

2007-09-22 12:10:15 · 8 answers · asked by thatguy 4 in Beer, Wine & Spirits

I use a canon ip1800 printer.

I recently had it refilled, about 2 weeks ago, didn't print enough for it to run out of ink.

Now it says it won't recognize the ink, I'm not sure if I should just go buy new printer cartridges or not.

2007-09-22 12:09:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Printers

we have been together 15 years and have a 14 year old daughter. He gives me no money, i am a mature student and have to rely on student loans to keep me and my daughter.
He has been on 4 weekends abroad this year, yet when i mention us going away he says hes no money.
I am very busy with my university course but still manage to keep the house tidy, he does nothing at all to help. He comes in from work, eats his tea and falls asleep, theres no affection-nothing!
On the odd times we go to the local pub, i have to go halfs with him even though i only get £2,500 a year and hes on £40,000. He pays the mortgage and other bills but i pay everything for our daughter and he has the cheek to say i dont appreciate him!
I dont know what to do but i am very unhappy with all of this, do most husbands support their wives? am i making a big thing out of nothing?
advice please

2007-09-22 12:09:42 · 8 answers · asked by maisiejayne 3 in Marriage & Divorce

The movers lost the wooden knobs to my TV armoir and I want to replace them with the exact same ones if possible. I asked this question before and got some answers about calling the manufacturer or looking at knobs on line...but I have tried these already. I don't have the model number and Ashley furniture can't order parts without it. The model number is not anywhere on the furniture either. I looked online for matching knobs, but can't find the exact ones I am looking for. I live in Long Beach, CA and am wondering if anyone knows of any businesses that custom match furniture parts. Thank you!

2007-09-22 12:09:25 · 2 answers · asked by Mliz 2 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

I need some for my video. I know there's something very popular but i can't seem to find it.

2007-09-22 12:08:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Entertainment

I'm baking brownies if that helps.

2007-09-22 12:08:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

If abortion is illegal, people will still look for 'back-alley' abortionists. At least if its legal, the procedure can be done in a sterile environment.

2007-09-22 12:08:45 · 26 answers · asked by learydisciple 2 in Law & Ethics

i've been denied home home insurance due to number of claims and non-dosclosure of details, what can i do.

2007-09-22 12:08:41 · 12 answers · asked by gurmel s 1 in Insurance

and saw people with tons of shopping bags and really angry expressions on their faces. Are people christmas shopping already? and has anybody else noticed the angry/stressed faces on people?

2007-09-22 12:08:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-09-22 12:08:27 · 12 answers · asked by shawtyGirl 1 in Women's Health


i knowwwww this question has been asked before but whatever ^_^
i live VH1 better, cause it's less commercial. the only good thing about mtv is that they play tokio hotel :D fwee!
what do yew think? :D

2007-09-22 12:08:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


ok why do so many people not like the 9mm hand gun? I am looing to buy another gun and have heard people say dont buy a 9mm because it doesnt have enough stopping power. i understand that a 40 and a 45 have more but to be honest dont you think a 45 is over kill for most things except stopping power? ook all so now its your turn to give me your opinion.

2007-09-22 12:08:04 · 17 answers · asked by Jimmy F 3 in Hunting

Have there been in your lifetime? How many do you remember?

2007-09-22 12:07:47 · 12 answers · asked by steddy voter 6 in Politics

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