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All categories - 12 August 2007

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2007-08-12 05:31:09 · 4 answers · asked by kemiya w 1 in Cincinnati

Hey guys, im right now 5'11" and 180" pounds, Im built towards the lighter side, I've got muscle, and fat. I excercise a lot, im talking 3-6 times a week 3-6 hours a day when i excercise. im 15 1/2 years old, i think i might be a late grower as underarm hair has just started coming in, you couldnt see it unless you were close up and searching. I was wondering if i would grow to possibly 6'2" or something. I never ate very healthy as a child, in the last 3 months i've grown 1 inch. My dad is 5'7" my mom is 5'5" my grandpa and uncle are both around 6. The test i took told me i would be like 5'9". According to the growth chart i would be like 6'3". Any one think i will grow taller? or have any tips to help me get that height?

2007-08-12 05:30:47 · 14 answers · asked by kevin s 2 in Diet & Fitness

Lets say there was a man who was righteious and there was another man unrightious and the righteous man condemned the unrighteous man cause he wasn't righteous enough isn't that self righteous act but a truely righteous man wouldn't condem a unrighteous man for not being righteous but instead say i am no better then you.

2007-08-12 05:30:37 · 3 answers · asked by Michael A 2 in Philosophy

A while abck me adn three friends where playing with a quiji board (i don't use them anymore i perosnally belieive you should not mess with tings like that) and the person I spoke with told me he was Jesus.We had a rosary onthe quiji board for protection and he kept circling it. Then he spelled out that he was Jesus. He made a ball and toy car move all on it's own. Made my friend pass out then told us to look up certain parts of the bible. Non of us where very religious and couldn't understand what to look up. He gave us two-three sets of numbers. Something like (making these numbers up) 13 2 45. something like that. Anyway do you think we were really talking to God? This happened years ago! But just thinking about it freaks me out!

2007-08-12 05:30:31 · 13 answers · asked by Queen_of_Nice 2 in Mythology & Folklore

ok i'm wondering since i'm pretty old now (23) and was denied financial aid when i was younger b/c of my parents. Can I ever get it again? I have no job, no money to speak of in my bank account, but it seems they always look at my dad's work and say "forget you"! Am i old enough yet to apply again and NOT get denied.

our govt is so screwed sometimes. I have a 3.78 gpa!

2007-08-12 05:29:14 · 2 answers · asked by JRodriguez 3 in Financial Aid

people who can afford to goto the doctor and get antibiotic, or those who can't?

If the rate of contact between people who can afford health care, and the people who can't goes down by extending Healthcare access to those who can't afford it, do you think that your chances of getting sick from them would decrease, and reduce your own medical expenses?

Children and adults in families with incomes below or near
the federal poverty level have worse health than those with
higher incomes (see Appendix II, Poverty for a definition of
the federal poverty level). Although, in some cases, illness
can lead to poverty, more often poverty causes poor health
by its connection with inadequate nutrition, substandard
housing, exposure to environmental hazards, unhealthy
lifestyles, and decreased access to and use of health care

2007-08-12 05:28:47 · 2 answers · asked by avail_skillz 7 in Politics


2007-08-12 05:28:42 · 5 answers · asked by miss j 2 in Parenting

In a USA national election, in your opinion, which block of voters have the most clout?

Also, if you wish to answer these...

Do Woman tend to vote similiarly regardless of Race?

Is the so called "Black vote" fairly predictable in terms of direction despite gender?

Thank you.

2007-08-12 05:28:17 · 6 answers · asked by Middy S 2 in Elections

I have pretty much all day to clean my room. and I wanna know how to clean out my room. i have a bunch of clutter and it is very messy. what should i keep and how do i know that i need to keep it?? please help me! Any suggestions/tips/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

2007-08-12 05:27:56 · 12 answers · asked by ♥•Softball•Chick•♥ 4 in Cleaning & Laundry

Consider that Edwin Hubble who observed and measured that every galaxy was effectively moving away from each other and that the farther the object the faster the movement. He deduced from these observations and calculated the universe must be expanding. Then he extrapolated backwards and theorized the universe must have experienced a Big-Bang about 15billion years ago. So the universe is about 15 billion years old. (Creationists, please refrain from commenting.)

Consider that Albert Einstein theorized the speed of light is constant and space-time was dependant upon the other. (It's been proven experimentally.)

That 10-day old exposure photogragh was estimated/calculated those galaxies are as they appeared 13billion years ago. In other words, when the universe was only 2 billion years old. Remember, when we look at the Sun, its appearance is what it was 8 minutes ago.

So 13 billion years ago, the universe was much smaller than it is today. Thirteen billion years ago, the point in space we are located today would be much closer to those galaxies in that photo.

So the question is, why did it take light from these galaxies 13 billion years to reach us when they were only 2 billion years away?

2007-08-12 05:27:39 · 14 answers · asked by daffyd 1 in Astronomy & Space

2007-08-12 05:27:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Here’s the deal folks. I’m a bartender. I’m also happily married. Last night, a gorgeous woman was at my bar all night. We were chatting the entire time. When she left, just before closing time, she slips me a Twenty with her phone number on it. I tell her I’m married but thank her for the flattering advance. She says that’s cool and asks me to join her for a dance at her favourite club downtown after I close up and leaves.

I didn’t go. I went home to my wife. Now, is a dance with someone like this cheating. I wouldn’t have let it gone any further than that. I just didn’t want to take the chance. Even flirting with her all night made me feel guilty. Was I over reacting or was I right to not take up her offer and have a dance with her?

In the end result, I’m happy and proud of myself for coming home to my wife.

2007-08-12 05:27:08 · 63 answers · asked by Dr. E. Bunny A.K.A. Andy. 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-12 05:26:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Education

I adopted my dog from a shelter nearby about 4 years ago.
I was not informed he gets seizures, so I have put up with that and have lessened the occurences by watching what he eats.
I also believe that anxiety brings them on, such as if I leave him for a day or two.
I found I cannot leave him at home anymore because he would be alone and I am a prisoner to my own home because of this.
He is a large husky/collie of about 150 pounds. I made a kennel where he can also go into the garage but he now goes over the top of the kennel and gets loose. If he is locked into the garage, he literally uses his claws to claw his way into the house through a wood-paneled door. He is a house dog and feels he needs to be in the house, I guess. But, I live on a highway and it's very dangerous for him and others when he darts across the highway.
I'm now 59 and I want to be able to start some traveling next year. I don't have anyone to leave him with and don't want him by himself.
What do you think?

2007-08-12 05:26:53 · 30 answers · asked by babeboomer 2 in Dogs

On almost a daily basis there are terrorists killing people and blowing things up. Isreal deals with suicide bombers all of the time, Iraq as well. People obviously partake in blowing themselves up as an act of defiance and an attempt to make up for a lack of resources. My question is, in America, if our people became as angry as those in palistine and Iraq, what would happen? And how far away are we from possibly reaching that point? And waht causes people to get to become that desperate?

2007-08-12 05:26:04 · 8 answers · asked by tony cola 2 in Current Events

(in more details)

I am on a long-distance flight. I am sitting towards the end of the airplane, 2-3 seats below across where my mom is..while my little brother is walking down and up the aisles..All of a sudden on our peaceful flight, the plane makes a harsh 360 degree turn, than the plane slowly starts to fall..I take my brother on my lap and hold on to him tightly. As this is happening we start to go down faster and faster...As we are crashing down, I think to myself "I hope my brother is ok and my mom, oh i wish i could yell her i love you right now..godd i am prolly gonna die soon i cant believe it, and my dad what is he gonna do when he finds out plane crashed" Than I see flames coming at me in a bomblike matter, I close my brothers eyes with my hands and dont hear anything. I find myself floating back down on an ocean..I can see the flames and the airplane in the water...there was a hospital right in the middle of the ocean and nurses were getting us in one by one. We were

2007-08-12 05:25:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

i have to do a power point and they
want me to do a slide where i show where i got the information
at but put it in MLA format.
i have no idea what MLA format is.

2007-08-12 05:25:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help


After formatting my pc I cannot play music or use the sound device.
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.

When right clicking on my computer-properties-hardware-device manager there are yellow question marks on 1multimedia Audio controller 2 SM bus controller 3 video controller 4 video controller (VGA compatible. I have tried using the CDs on the computer which then displays
The hardware is not install because the wizard cannot find the necessary software.
I have tried all the 3 CDs that are labeled
Any help would be appreciated

2007-08-12 05:25:05 · 2 answers · asked by Asu 2 in Software

Do you spend more time on the computer or watching T.V. than with your family or children? I tell myself I am getting on the computer to relax, and watch T.V. to relax as well, but how the time flies, and gobbles up the rest of the day. I think I am addicted do you think you are?

2007-08-12 05:24:42 · 15 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4 in Psychology

I need to know which kind of Golden Retriever is the one that keeps a stylish, young-looking face even until it grows old. Because there is one type of Golden Retriever that has more of falling face, and drools a bit; specially as they grow older. OK, I need to know which type is the first one. It's also normally very light gold colour shade and it doesn't drool as much as the other one. Thanks

2007-08-12 05:24:37 · 9 answers · asked by naperston 2 in Dogs

There has been a flood of questions about this whole 1934 virtually irrelevant lower-48 states temperature correction. I can only assume it's because the right-wing bloggers and Rush Limbaugh made such a big deal about it and spread so much misinformation about it. Correct information about the incident is available here:


What I'm wondering is, why are GW deniers making such a big deal? Is it because they're relying on Limbaugh for their (mis)information and thus actually thought this was some big coverup? Is it because they're desperate for any news which can be construed in any way as being in their favor? Are they just extremely vocal? Or is it a combination of these factors, or something I haven't considered?

How can such an insignificant bit of information be blown so out of proportion and misunderstood so badly by so many?

2007-08-12 05:24:28 · 14 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

2007-08-12 05:24:14 · 7 answers · asked by Ilovemyhusband 3 in Hobbies & Crafts

These are both from an 8 team league. One is my Dad's the other is mine.

Team 1 (second overall pick)
QB Drew Brees
RB Steven Jackson
RB Maurice Jones-Drew
WR Steve Smith
WR Donald Driver
TE Todd Heap
K Jeff Wilkins
Def Dallas
R/W Plaxico Burress

Bench- Matt Leinart, Jamal Lewis, Reggie Brown, D.J. Hackett, L.J. Smith, Matt Stover, Carolina

Team 2 (7th pick)
QB Donovan McNabb
RB Joseph Addai
RB Rudi Johnson
WR Terrell Owens
WR Reggie Wayne
TE Kellen Winslow
K Adam Vinatieri
Def Jacksonville
R/W Edgerrin James

Bench- Jon Kitna, Priest Holmes, Santana Moss, Terry Glenn, Vernon Davis, Jason Elam, Denver

2007-08-12 05:24:08 · 5 answers · asked by RSM 3 in Fantasy Sports

fedest.com, questions and answers