There are angels, extremely stern and feirce angels who have been gven the task of punishing those who enter the Hell Fire
l-Bukhaari and Muslim report that Ibn 'Umar said, "I saw in a dream that two angels came to me. Each of them was holding a whip of iron in his hand.
Then I met (another) angel who was also holding a whip of iron in his hand. They said, "Do not worry, you are a good man; we just wish that you prayed
more at night". They took me to the edge of Hell, which looked like a well with horns: between every two horns stood an angel holding a whip of iron.
I saw men hanging upside-down, held with chains, and I recognised some men of Quraysh. Then they led me away, towards the right. I told Hafsah about my
dream, and she told the Messenger of Allaah (saw) who said, "Abdullaah is a righteous man". (at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.51)
2007-08-12 05:33:43
answer #1
answered by 4
Whoever they say does it in church. Some say the devil will eat your soul. Others say that demons will lick your skin with a hot switch. Yet others say the fire will itself be punishment. If one of each says that they're the only right ones, then that makes everyone else wrong.
There's no hell.
2007-08-12 05:34:23
answer #2
answered by Cold Fart 6
The principle pain of hell is eternal and absolute separation from God, and therefore from everything that is of God - goodness, wholesomeness, joy, beauty, pleasantness, or positivity in any sense. The default is the experienc of nothing but absolute evil, ugliness, despair, depression, and everything that is negative. In such a situation, which you yourself have freely chosen, no-one else has to inflict any additional punishment.
2007-08-12 05:39:07
answer #3
answered by PaulCyp 7
The soul is tormented by their own sins and rebellious choices in this life. No one can punish a soul like the soul itself.
2007-08-12 05:34:00
answer #4
answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5
God created hell for the devil and his cohorts. So they won't be doing the punishing, they will be among the punished.
So that leaves God as the punisher.
2007-08-12 05:32:10
answer #5
answered by Craig R 6
torment in the flames.Read Luke 16 and Mark 9
2007-08-12 05:38:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The demons in your own head.....hell is separation from God.
2007-08-12 05:32:32
answer #7
answered by Freedspirit 5
I say it's the Unicorns. One fantasy creature is as good as another after all...
2007-08-12 05:33:17
answer #8
answered by perchorin 5
2007-08-12 05:33:04
answer #9
answered by God 6