hi,hope u ppl won't mind answering my question.i have no one to share or ask bout this problem.
i'm turning 29 this month.i belong to a strict family.to make it short .the point is i went 2 some ct
to attend a wedding their a guy followed me n gav me his number.i took it n called him.there in anotherct, with cousins
i met him.my parents r insane.they hav ruined our lives.they dont let us go out.always fighting
n have made up our minds in a way that v dont like going out or even having friends.v live like animals,
isolated.hav studied til high school.had friends but mom n dad made all of us siblings leave them.the
guy n i hav been talkin since ayear.he has asked me in the very beginning that he wanted to marry me.i
used to ask him n than he wud say his parents didnt agreee.now he told me that he has talked to his parents
n they hav agreed upon the condition that they will tell my parents bout us that v hav chosen each other.
i told him not to coz my parents wud kil me n refuse.than his parents called n said so but he(the son)
disconnected the fone.his parents called again n talked.he didnt let his parents say this to my parents
.now he told me that v shud do the wedding ceremony in his ct as his parents wont come to my ct.i told
him that this wud be harder 4 my parents coz marriage is done by the gal's family n valima is done by
the boys side.the arrangements thier wont b possible, very limited ppl wud com from my side.i told
him ,he said my parents hav agreed n they hav asked me not to say anything again.my parents dont want me
to get married.i dont hav a career.hav no life.staying home since childhood.seems like im in asylum.
brother got married by fighting n as he is the only son ,dad agreed.bro doesn't work so dad has been
looking after his wife n kid.he has been giving bro money 4 business which goes wasted.father is retiring
in few months.dont have a house of our own,living on rent.i hav another sister who is is 26.if ppl
come for our proposal mom nevers sits wid them.dad says marry my relatives.his relatives r villagers v
cannot marry them.brother has become selfish.he wants to hav the money doesnt want us to get married
either.1 sis got married.she doesn't care if v ever ask her to help us out.she only comes when she wants
us to babysit her kids.i m looking very old due 2 stress.hav turned pale.hav no way out.shall i stand up
4 this guy if i do i hav no idea whether my father wud go for the maariage in another ct as his parents
r also against me.i hav told him mumerous times that v shud do court marriage he says if nothing
works out v both shud go on our separte ways..i asked the guy wat if my parents say no,he said let's
stop it as it isn't in his hands.'i dunno wat will happen.parents r old.i m not allowed to work outside
or even leave the house.if i marry this guy he's not helping me in convincing his parensts.dunno about
his family.wat shud i do?if i dont marry him i know i hav no chance of getting married again at all.
all the gals of my age n younger r married with kids.few of my friends r not amrried but ther
r independent.i wish i cus commit suicide.i hav planned if i dont get married to this guy i will
kill my self.u ppl wil say to go out n take a job.i'm in fear.i hav lived in fear how can i start
working or going out.i wish i cud leave this country than it wud b possible but who will help me
in getting to an asylum as life here is not possible.pleeze help me.i dont want to liv like this
12 answers
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