At present, the Family Court plunders the hearts and souls of men and pushes them to the abyss; and often, then some. Was there ever a time when injustice was so well lubricated by a woman's tears?
Fashion is so ubiquitous. But who would of thought that its vagaries could frolic with quintessential virtues of the human spirit as justice and truth. Particularly, in the forum of our own venerable Family Court.
The current fashion in the Family Court is for a man to be met with the ex-partner's sworn affidavits, prepared by lawyers portraying him as a depraved and violent beast who is a danger to both the ex-partner and the children.
One of the common, coolest and effective approaches at separation is to enrage and upset the male partner by totally denying him contact to the children prior to issuing the Court proceedings. The payoff really comes in if he then becomes emotionally distraught so as to behave in a self-destructive manner, as this can really zestify an affidavit.
It is also very chic at this time to obtain a restraining order. With a bit of luck, the bonus of getting the police directly involved will soon present itself. This is often achieved by the woman hinting that contact to the children, a reconciliation or even sex, are a possibility, this will usually lure the big dope into the Restraining Order Forbidden Zone.(ROFZ)
Once the man is, by his mere presence, in a breach of the restraining order (and the woman has ensured that her fridge is stocked with his grog),then….the piece de resistance; the woman engineers an argument and calls the police. If all has gone well, the police will find a half drunk, emotional guy ready to redefine the term "idiocy".
If he then be hand cuffed, oh so tightly, dragged away and charged with breach of a restraining order, offensive language, resist arrest and even the "biggie", assault police, then the woman is superbly poised to be showered with such attention and accolades at the next talk-fest of the shrivelled hearts club so as to warm the very cockles of her ego.
Even if the male protests that he was invited to the home by the woman, are to be believed, the criminal charge will stand. The woman will not be prosecuted for aiding and abetting the breach; to do so would be so distastefully gauche!
But... back to the Family Court. The congenial manner in which the Family Court accommodates the machinations of deceitful and vindictive women is a marvel to behold. The Court so often displays psychological acumen equivalent to caving in to a child chucking a tantrum over a Freddo Frog at the local Woolies checkout.
One of the common ways in which the Family Court validates its bias against men is by deciding cases on the basis: that to accede to the whims and convenience of the woman makes for a happy mother who makes for happy children ... cute isn't it.
In contrast, the man appearing in the Family Court usually responds in a sullen or angry manner or bleeds stoically from the heart, either way presenting no problems for his clinical disposal by a judge whose sense of chivalry has been thrust into hyperdrive by the womans's perfumed and tear stained affidavits before the Court.
The Family Court is an expensive failure. It's "head" centred structure is abjectly useless at dealing with the children in adult bodies that have cusody and access disputes before it. The Court also mostly sees couples only after they have mortally slashed at each other and gangrene has set in. Furthermore, at present, Family Court orders are flouted with impunity and the enforcement procedure, which is left to be carried out by the aggrieved party, is asinine and toothless.
Separation is the critical stage that should be regulated. An application to separate made to an enlightened body presided over by persons who have courage and justice in their souls, and love and understanding in their hearts, would go far in stemming the tide of acrimony which courses from the Faily Court into the community. This Tribunal would not use affidavits as evidence but would have the guts and also the heart to see and hear the parties at first hand.
At such a "Separation Tribunal" the parties would also be supported by persons skilled in handling emotional pain and who do not have a vested financial interest in scavenging amongst the emotional carcasses of failed relationships.
A procedure whereby failures to comply with orders of the "Separation Tribunal" were prosecuted by police, would not only gain genuine respect for the Tribunal it would also immediately abate the pandering to deceit and vindictiveness by those currently making a career out of it.
At present, the Family Court plunders the hearts and souls of men and pushes them to the abyss; and often, then some. Was there ever a time when injustice was so well lubricated by a woman's tears?
Brendan Harradine
PS: The difference between family Court lawyers and Lions; is that Lions love to feed on carcasses ....
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Other - Family & Relationships