About a year ago my grandson developed some type of emotional anger.He throws outbursts sometimes that scares us.My daughter also has 3 girls ages4,7,8 from her husband. She had my grandson when she was 17 yrs.old with a boy from school. The other grandparents are active in my grandsons life and are aware of his behavior but not as much as we are. Since they have no children in their home, my grandson gets what he wants over there. These are my only 4 grandkids. But he tends to get very upset/jealous at times with his sisters, especially my oldest granddaughter. He threatens to kill them/us when he gets really upset. He has threatened to burn our house or even kill his mother when she is asleep. He yells loud when he gets upset and claims no one cares about him, does anything 4 him ,or respects him, only his other grandparents. He has been spanked, punished from tv/computer, etc.He is treated equal to my other grandkids.He's been to a psychiatrist, who said he would outgrow his anger.
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