My best friend is getting married in a little over a month and I was originally planning on bringing my boyfriend.... but then we broke up.... it was a bad break up.....
But THEN we reconciled and we're cool now (not back together, but cool)....
my best friend has always had a problem with ALL the guys I date... and she knows about the break up, she knows I was upset, but she doesn't know the whole situation....
When I told her that we were talking again and that he was going to take me to her wedding again she flat out told me that he wasn't allowed at her wedding.....
She BASICALLY told me to chose between her and him.
Me and him have realized how immature we acted during the break up and have come to the conclusion that we are going to work hard at fixing what we screwed up. We're being mature about it, and for her to do that is throwing a bolt into some smooth working gears.....
What should I do about her telling me he can't come.... then I have NO one to come....
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