You are asking quite a bit there. But to get you started you can go here ( and read a brief statement about our beliefs. You could also go here ( and get some questions answered or if you would like you could email me and I would be glad to try to explain to you our beliefs. It would just take too much to try to do that in this setting.
2007-07-18 04:34:59
answer #1
answered by Joseph 6
Since there are many Mormon sects with conflicting beliefs, you'll have to be a bit more specific. The common thread is the belief that Joseph Smith Jr was a Prophet and restored the Gospel. Most Mormon sects also accept the Book of Mormon as Scripture.
Joseph Smith Jr wrote a list of 13 Articles of Faith when he was askied for the basic tenets of the new Church. Others have already quoted them.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a Christian sect with a few unique doctrines which upset mainstream Christianity. LdS believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct Beings who together form the Godhead. LdS believe in an open canon which means new Scripture could be added at any time, whereas mainstream Christianity believe the Bible is all that is needed.
2007-07-17 12:42:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The official church web page will give you "mormon lite", which is everything you'd hear from the missionaries. There's considerably more to it than that, but that means you need to educate yourself into the times that it was first organized, the history of the Smith family, and the why-fores of some church doctrine that has not been discarded because it conflicts with reality (think Galileo), or the past statements made be high church authorities that seem now so very wrong. There's not enough space here to do that, and the 13 articles of faith (posted twice) barely scratches the surface.
If none of that is important to you, the 'lite' but sugar-coated version will do. Otherwise, there's considerable reading and questioning ahead to make a life-changing decision..
2007-07-17 23:25:22
answer #3
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
Mormonism is actually an ancient religion that came back into itself in the 1800's. Mormons are also known as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The terms Mormon(s) and Mormonism may be offensive to some Mormons, so to be safe use Latter-Day Saints, LDS, or Saints. Mormons believe in a personal, familiar God (like Christianity), Jesus Christ is the Son of God and men and women need to repent, be baptized by the proper authority, and continue to keep the commandments to be saved. Here is a website that contains more informations about the basic beliefs of the religion if you are interested:
2007-07-17 12:35:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They believe a man named Joseph Smith found a set of gold tablets that had another testament of Jesus Christ on it. He apparently was able to translate these tablets, and hence the book of Mormon was created.
There's a great deal of controversy surrounding the Mormon faith, primarily because the vast majority of its teachings can be directly disproven through either basic logic or archeological evidence. Furthermore, Joseph Smith has several convictions on his criminal record for a type of con artistry known in the 1800's as "glass looking", which incidentally is basically how he claims to have translated these golden tablets. Naturally, no one else has ever seen the tablets except for him, and the "true and correct" translation has since been modified several times since he originally wrote it.
Among the Mormon beliefs are that God has a physical body and that he lives on another planet orbiting the star Kolob, that Abraham and other Biblical figures actually wandered North America, and that people with black skin are cursed and not worthy of God's grace. (The thing about black skin was eventually rescinded, and is just one of many instances of "true and correct" teachings that were found to have been "misinterpreted".)
2007-07-17 12:31:11
answer #5
answered by P.I. Joe 6
Im not mormon but this is what ive read on it....
Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God. God is His Father just as He is the Father of all people. This is why Mormons believe Jesus is our brother, but God is the Father of Jesus physically as well as spiritually, and so called the Only Begotten of God. Jesus was chosen to be the Lord and Savior of mankind before the world was created. Mormons believe He is Jehovah of the Old Testament. It was He who created all things. He was born of Mary as the New Testament tells. He lived a sinless life and therefore was worthy to atone for the sins of all. Three days after His crucifixion and death Jesus was resurrected. He now possesses a divine, immortal body like God the Father. Because He has suffered all things, Jesus will be our Advocate to The Father on Judgment Day and extend mercy to those who have followed Him. Mormons worship Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Mormons believe that the Holy Ghost is a spirit personage separate from God and Jesus Christ. Because the Holy Ghost has no body, it is through Him that the influence of God can be everywhere. It is by the Holy Ghost that truth is confirmed and the love of God can be felt. The Holy Ghost communicates to us spiritually. It is described as a voice, a feeling, a thought, but however it is described, the Holy Ghost speaks to the spirit of one who is ready to receive it.
2007-07-17 12:35:18
answer #6
answered by sableshay 4
The best place to discover that is probably the web site that the Mormon church has set up discussing their basic beliefs. I've referenced that site below so you can educate yourself.
By the way, I'm not a Mormon, but I've been seriously studying what they believe for about a year now.
2007-07-17 12:31:18
answer #7
answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7
Adherents to the church (usually Latter-day Saints or LDS or commonly called Mormons) believe that Jesus Christ leads the church by revelation given to the President of the Church, whom they consider to be a prophet. They consider themselves to be Christians, but do not consider themselves part of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant traditions. However, many Christians do not consider them to be Christians because they claim the Book of Mormon as Scripture, do not believe in the Trinity as defined in the Nicene Creed, and have a fundamentally different understanding of the nature of Jesus Christ.[citation needed]
The church teaches that it is a restoration of 1st century Christianity. It teaches that before Joseph Smith restored the true church, an apostasy occurred shortly after the death of St. Peter and the other apostles and therefore other churches were in state of error and had fallen away from Christ's original teachings. Latter-day Saints believe in the divine authority of the Old Testament and New Testament, and also have additional books in their scriptural canon: the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
Historically, the church has distinguished itself from Christian denominations by its practice of temple ordinances such as baptism for the dead, the Endowment, and its doctrinal views on the Godhead; the church was also distinct in that it authorized the practice of plural marriage[2] although it has since been discontinued. The church teaches that it is "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth", but it has cooperated with other religious organizations in promoting humanitarian and moral causes.
2007-07-17 12:30:59
answer #8
answered by DanE 7
Chick-a-Dee, your neighbor is a little off.
They didn't have physical sexual relations.
People other that Joseph Smith saw the plates. Eleven other people saw the plates! Oliver Cowdrey, David Whitmer, Martin Harris were the first three. The other eight people were: Christian, Jacob, John, and Peter WhitmerJr., Hiram Page, Joseph Smith Sr., Hyrum and Samuel Smith.
The Bible is complete, but is missing parts that were left out by man.
If an angel says they are from God, you can tell by asking to shake hands. If they are from Satan, they will say yes, and you hand will go through there hand as they have no body. If they are not resurrected and sent by God, they will refuse to shake hands, and resurrescted beings will do so and feel solid.
You can not work your way to godhood. We believe that you need faith, grace and works to make it. Works alone can not save us. We need faith and works too!
2007-07-17 15:50:03
answer #9
answered by Dublin Ducky 5
That God actually had physical sexual relations with Mary. (That wouldn't make her a virgin now, would it?)
Joseph (the founder) had tablets that no one but him could see.
The Bible is incomplete so they have the Mormon Bible.
We can heal ourselves through the poweer within.
If a prophet falls from the sky, we should shake his hand to see if we "feel" him or not. If we don't feel him, he's from the Devil.
You also get your own planet that you get to populate with your wife if you do things right here on earth.
You can work your way to god-hood. After all, God did, according to them.
Thats what the Mormon's next door was telling me while I was trying to have a garage sale lol I was like what the heck?!
2007-07-17 12:30:58
answer #10
answered by Chick-a-Dee 5