He's always had a troubled relationship with his Mum&Dad & thinks that my parents feel the same way about him (they don't, but becoz he doesn't hang around them much, they don't know him very well).
It was my Dad's 60th on the w/end. We had a BBQ with friends/family & hubby stayed for a while, then went home by himself. Since then, he's slept in the spare bed & hasn't talked to me. I've tried to ask him what's wrong & he keeps telling me "leave him alone, I'm over it".
Last nite, I finally got him to tell me what was bothering him: "He doesn't fit into anyone's family: his family don't like him, my family don't like him (not true), he doesn't even feel like he fits in with me and our 3yo son. He thinks it's better for everyone if we separate. He still loves me, but not in the same way anymore. He wants to stay at our place for our son's sake, but "live separately".
I don't want him to give up so easily. I want to try & fix this but he doesn't want to talk about it.
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Marriage & Divorce