Cindy Sheehan is threatening to challenge Nancy Pelosi if Pelosi doesn't introduce impeachment proceedings within 2 weeks(Yahoo News story) . To tell you the truth , Earnest is somewhat ill today and heading back to bed , but this was too rich to miss !!
So with Rosie out of the way for awhile(at least until NBC digs deep in the garbage and hires her for ratings only) this might be the wild rant-fest of the summer . So will it take-on WWE proportions , or be more like a Soap Opera ?
Smack-Down ?
Backstab Fest ?
Body Slams ?
Will they try to steal each other's man ?(does Cindy have a man?)
I don't know who to root for in this cat-fight !!
Maybe a Cage Match -- Two women go in , one comes out ?
Oooooh those wacky gals in California !! Remember when we wished they all could be California girls ? Not anymore !!
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