We are building a fairly large (36' x15') run/ kennel for our large newly adopted dog.
A 15' x8' area in the back will be tarped on all 4 sides. with an opening on inside for entry. The top will be tarped as well.
Tarps- Local stores have no selection as far as sizes/ colors go. I have checked on line and found several but have questions.
Obviously, they need to offer shade and be the waterproof poly type. In Indiana, the summers are hot and the winters are very cold. Shade factor- do only the blue colors offer the best shade? We would really like to have brown/ tan. It seems those, or any color other than the blue only offer UVA protection like you would need for a car, etc. to prevent fading, and don't offer shade. Other colors, in the poly tarps, such as the brown, often say they are translucent. How could a tarp be translucent?
What do I need to look for in a tarp beside the mil- thickness? Those with outdoor dog- what do you use? He has insulated dog house.
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