Forget about the spacetime continumium theory of 3 spacial and 1 temporal (time dimension). I`am referring to the 3 spacial dimensions up-down, left-right, forward-back.
Length, Width, Height..etc. I see no reason to believe that space itself is 3 dimensional do you? People believe that space is 3 dimensional because matter and motion through space is 3 dimensional. This does not prove that space itself is 3D.
1- Thinking on a sub-atomic level.There`s 3 attractions. Proton attracts to Nuetron. Neutron acts as a medium attraction to hold Protons to nuclues b/c protons are postively charged and would repel each hneger. Electron(neg) attracts to Proton(pos) but it kept at bay by nuetron.
2-Sub-atomic particles are the building blocks of all matter in the universe.
3.Matter and motion is 3d b/c if matter could move all directions at once it would break attractions which bind matter.
4.Hence, motion/matter up-down left-right is 3d.
5.There is no evidence space is 3 dimesnional.
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Astronomy & Space