Sun May 27, 1:06 PM
By Matt Crenson
NEW YORK (AP) - Bold new initiatives against global warming have come out of major cities around in the world over the past few weeks - with the notable exception of Washington.
Meeting in New York this month, dozens of big-city mayors from six continents competed to present the most ambitious plan for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause global warming.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg touted his new 127-point plan to cut that city's emissions 30 per cent by 2030. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa committed to reducing his city's carbon emissions 35 per cent by 2030.
Toronto's David Miller announced that he had signed his city up for Zerofootprint, a carbon calculator and social networking website that helps individuals reduce their greenhouse gas production, to help Canada's largest city meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by six per cent in five years and 80 p
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