I constantly see Republicans, and/or Conservatives referred to as "Neo-Cons" By our local Libs/Socialists/Communists... Both here, and on other forums.
This is always funny, as even Wikipedia defines it like this:
"Neo- is Greek for "new." Conservatism is new in two ways: first, many of the movement's founders, liberals and people from socialist backgrounds, were new to conservatism; second, it was a fairly recent strain of conservative socio-political thought. Its intellectual roots are from the decades following World War II, including the literary criticism and social science movements."
Or, in other words...A "Neo-Con" is a "New-Conservative". A >Convert< from the Socialist/Liberal ranks.
>NOT< someone who has always been a Conservative, or a republician....But someone who has Become a "New-Conservative", AFTER being a Socialist/Liberal.
But, as usual....I must re-educate those who have been spoon fed this by the Intelligentsia in our society, for so many years
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