I have a 29 gallon tank that is currently inhabited by
1? snail
1 plecostamus
4 whitecloud minnow
2 corydorus
1 neon tetra
5 Rummy nosed Tetra
2 Hatchet Fish
2 Endlers Livebearers
In the past week, I have had 5 penguin Tetra's, 3 Neons and 1 endler die.
On the last Penguin, and the endler there was a little bit of white fuzz on the side of the fish. The colour of the fish almost had a metallic greenish cast.
Water conditions are good, I have an Eclipse filtration system, and live plants. My tank does have a little cyanobacterial growth. I have added salt and reduced the temperature. Is there anything else that I should do?
I am afraid to medicate in case I have made an incorrect diagnosis.
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