I find it amusing that here in the United States when people speak of the most common language used they say it's "English". However, the English language comes from the English and while they are similar they are not spoken the same and they use several different terms. So shouldn't we in the United States call the language American? I suppose the reason why we don't is because this country was founded on immigration which is why this State is so diverse (I refer the U.S. as a State as in inter-state or international terms). Since we adopted the language from the English we still call it by its proper name. The same goes for Spanish. Spanish Speaking Latin American countries do not call their language Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban they call it Spanish because the Spaniards were the largest influence in that region. However, why is it the general American consensus to have America's first language be "English" if it is a nation of immigrants who spoke many different languages?
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