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Sounds like a silly question, I know.. but..
Do these animals have any cognition or feelings? (Do they have some sort of thought proccess, are they happy, are they sad, do they love?)

Dog -
Cat -
Cow -
Chicken -
Turkey -
Fish -
Sea Crustacean (Shrimp, Lobster) -

2007-04-13 07:01:19 · 9 answers · asked by rickpetralia 1 in Science & Mathematics Zoology

9 answers

sorry if i dont follow your list
but for your interest here is my version of intelligence in Nature and this includes Emotions

,it is said that the birds navigate by the sun ,or have genetic memory ,but there are too many other cases with other species that somehow do not make complete sense so it could be much more than just this

so if you bear with me i will give you more examples of inteligence in nature,to demonstrate the point

birds do not just fly to their destinations ,they hop on regular aircurrents that surround the globe as if hopping on a bus ,then they only flap their wings a bit to keep in line and in position ,they exchange leaders frequently (because this position is the most tiring )and they travel on the collective WAKE ,they create, to make the flight even easier

how do the birds know which is their wind current that for example goes to the Bahamas and not the one for another bird that goes to south Africa

and Nature is full of similar mysteries

there is a spider which sticks its rear end in the wind and shoots out a strand of web which acts as a parachute and the wind takes it to another place where all his brothers and sisters are,several species do this by the millions and all of them end up in different places,grouped with their bothers and sisters

.How does the spider know which piece of wind is for him to take it to the correct location where is the intelligence,???

there was maybe 15 minutes involved
,so here was proof that there memory span was at least that.

there is a fish a distant cousin of the salmon which at the spring tide, waits for the highest wave(and out of the hundres of waves there is only one that is the highest)to carry her up into the rockpools to deposit the eggs.
how does it know which is the highest wave????

the young fish take 3 weeks to devellop by which time the second highest wave returns them to the sea
.how do they know which is the second highest wave.how do the eggs know they got 3 weeks to devellop,
is it in the birds or the fish or the spider ,or is it external in the air or the water ,

American Indians have always been aware of this intelligence and called it Manitoe,we call it Gaia
and it is the intelligence of the organism called Earth ,through the medium of water (99 out of 100 of all the molocules in our bodies is water.the same ratio as water on this planet)


heavens breath by Lyall Watson

Sensitive Chaos by Theodor Schwenck on the Rudloph steiner press


and i once rescued some gold fish from a certain death in a drying pond .
picked them out of the mud and put them in a pond with water.
I then sat by the side of the pond,What happened next was amazing ,all 6 of them came in front of me and jumped up from the water ,and then disappeared,Gold fish are not known for jumping out of the water.

Elephants have a funeral when one of them dies ,with each elephant going to the dead one and touching it with his trunk to say good bye,
Dogs can die of sadness.
baboons have a very strict social orders .as do most apes and monkeys,they can do things for revenge and even for humour,

Killer whales have brains larger than us ,and they can see 4 dimensions ,we only see three,and they can remember certain people that they know for many years after ,so do Grizzlies,and Dolphins

some information indicates that plants do have feelings,emotions and maybe even intelligence.

The north American Indians ,dance around a tree singing that they are going to kill it,they then quickly turn around and chop its neighbor down,taking it by surprise.
this suggest that they believe the tree has feelings.

There once was a famous experiment,whereby 7 people walked into a room where there was a big plant,that was wired up to a lie detector.
One of the people had a knife and cut some parts of the plant.
then later when the people were brought before the plant again,the lie detector gave a violent leap in its readings ,when the person with the knife was brought before it.
the same experiment was done with trees and in all cases the same result.
so who says who has feelings or souls.

Counter Attack

a eucalyptus tree when it is being attacked by a Caterpillar sends messages via pheromones trough the air which are picked up by similar trees often many miles away.
when the caterpillars reach this tree it is ready for them and kills them with a poison ,that it has developed in the meantime and secretes trough its leaves.

is this intelligence

Plants belonging to people with green fingers ,who talk to their plants ,often do better.

dogs and cats have to be included fish already are ,
dont know personally of the others ,but it stands to reason ,and there must be lavels of perceptions as there are different live spans
one cannot expect to much of a one day fly

so just because you do not speak the language does not mean that other life forms are stupid or limited ,they communicate amongst each other ,many species comunicating to other species ,simply by body language,signs,sounds smells,facial expressions, feremones or other chemical means,

2007-04-13 18:55:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

As a human when you use the words cognition and feelings you automatically imply human cognition and human feelings as you know know other way of identifying with these words. Animals do not have human cognition though some animals seem to show human feelings. An animal would have an animal cognition. What is that? I don't know exactly but it is not like the cognition you or I have, that's for sure. Crustanceans and fish perhaps have no cognition at all. Dogs and cats probably have very advanced animal cognition. Chickens and turkeys probably very, very little consciousness, if any at all.

2007-04-13 18:58:38 · answer #2 · answered by Professor Armitage 7 · 0 0

Good question and it fall under animal behavior.

It is usually held that the dog and cat have feelings that are fairly complicated. The cow chicken and turkeys less so. The fish and crustacean are only thought to have limited feelings.

It is important to remember that these feelings may not be human like. They may be completely alien to us!

As far as cognition that is a completely different question. Apes are cognitive they can recognize their reflection in a mirror as their own. Dolphins actually seem to have names. But the others you have mentioned are not.

2007-04-13 07:41:26 · answer #3 · answered by Jeff Sadler 7 · 0 1

I would like to believe that ALL animals have emotions and cognition. Dogs and cats have seem to display lots of emotions, though the other animals have more limited display of emotion. This doesn't mean they don't have any though. It might be just be faint, subtle emotions(just barely there) or they feel just as much as we do but don't display it in the same way as we do! This question cannot be answered scientifically, as it is something we might never know. Who knows, maybe animals completely lack some of our main emotions and experience other emotions that cannot be felt by humans!

2007-04-13 22:53:04 · answer #4 · answered by i like pizza 3 · 0 0

Cognition is a long way from emotions and emotions are a long way from love and happiness.

All the animals you mention have cognition -- they have senses that detect light, heat, touch, pain etc. and they can react to those.

The next question is whether animals have emotions. I don't think that anyone would disagree. You often see animals that are angry, frustrated, calm, contented. The question is how do they experience these emotions. Do they have an consciousness of these feelings, or do they just react to these motivations?

Happiness, sadness and love are human descriptions of elements of consciousness. I don't think we can say whether dogs, cats, etc have consciusness of these feelings or not.

I'd like to think that they do....

2007-04-13 07:27:07 · answer #5 · answered by Sandy G 6 · 2 0

Mostly yes. This is not a zoology question as much as it is a religion question. All creatures were created by that same God that created us all. They have distinct personalities just as humans do. That personality is a manifestation of the spirit that resides within the mortal body. Thus, the mammals you list are certainly unique and have all the feelings that we have, maybe just not as fully developed as ours. The birds are less demonstrative in their feelings and emotions because their intelligence level is lower, yet they are still unique entities. The fish are again lower on the scale of intelligence and thus have a lower cognition but are still unique entities with distinct personalities. You will find throughout the animal kingdom dominant and passive individuals within their respective species. This again is a manifestation of their individual spirits. By the time you get down to the arthropods, it becomes almost impossible for us to see the outward manifestation of their respective personalities yet I believe that it is still there.

2007-04-13 07:14:08 · answer #6 · answered by rac 7 · 0 2

a million. Elephants = a thank you to manuever around even once you have some weight on you. 2. Ants = it is important to keep for a wet day. 3. Cow = Be contented even if in case you existence is uninteresting. :) 4. Crow = dangle out in flocks and seem as though gang contributors, lol (it is the best i could do on the 2nd) 5. Snake = Be sly and cunning yet purely for the sturdy issues in existence, not the undesirable. 6. Eagle = unfold your wings and start your thank you to freedom. 7. Butterfly = they're loose to fly; in the event that they return, they luv you...awwww!!! And no ask your self they're growing to be to be extinct. :( See there, we are able to learn that and plenty extra!

2016-10-22 01:57:30 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I like this question and I hope you get some good answers! From my personal experience, I know that dogs and cats have feelings, memories and can even think about things in advance or reason through problems.

It will be interesting to learn about the rest of the animals listed here. Thanks! :)

2007-04-13 07:07:48 · answer #8 · answered by searching_please 6 · 0 0

i would like to no, i think cows look sad i live by a farm and they look sad, i can tell when my dogs are sad. great question

2007-04-13 07:10:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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