Absolutely and completely YES. God created everything. and we are taught to believe in science too, but God says that science that runs contrary to the word of God is false He is almighty God and He knows more than any of us know. What He calls false is false. What He calls truth is truth, whether anyone believes it or not. Only God gives life and only God is to take life. but ppl will kill someone , and major must asnswer to God for it. When we think we know more than God , we are in serious trouble. You see any evolution scientist giving life to someone, healing someone, delivering someone and still woring miracles today? I dont. BUt God still does. Wait till you ever see someone in pain and dying and docs hve NO hope and that person rise up and be healed after prayer, and tell me your scientists know more than GOD. DOnt think you,but we are all allowed to believe as we please. What if you are wrong? you have everything to lose. I wouldnt take a chance on hell without at least studying praying and trying to find all the anwers for myself. I did do that and they are all still there. takes time, and the more you give it, the sooner you will it all.
We must choose Jesus before we die or He comes again to take us home. He is coming soon reconsider on how you feel and jsut be willing to give Jesus a try. What do you have to lose?
2007-04-13 07:04:59
answer #1
answered by full gospel shirley 6
Actually, I'm currently in the middle of writing an essay on this exact topic. Before this essay and all the research I've done, I was unsure exactly what I believed, even though I've been raised my entire life in a strong Christian home. Now, however, I've found that there is compelling evidence for Young Earth Creation. The two main websites I've been using for my research are answersingenesis.org and icr.org (Institute for Creation Research). I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you might have, or you could email either of these sites and talk to actual scientists. I think you'll find that there is much undeniable evidence that proves God created the earth and all that is in it in six literal days, just as is stated in Genesis.
2007-04-13 07:22:10
answer #2
answered by Caroline W 2
I do believe in god, but there are many things that are just not possible according to the bible. The earth is over 4.5 billion years old, but the bible says it would only be a like no more than a few thousand. Radiometric data gives prove to the age of the earth. I think that the big bang theory is the most plausible of all explainations, not only do to the shape and dynamics of the earth but also rotation of our sphereical planet.
2007-04-13 17:26:03
answer #3
answered by *SnowQueen* 3
Sure and so did many great scientists...
Great scientists like Johannes KEPLER saw God's magnificance and constantly gave praise to God Almighty for his wonderful laws built into nature. He was a creationist.
So was Isaac NEWTON.......and he wrote 1 million words about his LITERAL belief in the Scripture. He was a creationist.
" I have a fundamental belief in the Word of God....I study the Bible daily". - Isaac Newton
The electromagnetic equations of James Clerk Maxwell attest to the Magnificant mathematical inginuity of the Creator.
He was a Creationist.
Louis Pasteur...was a avid Christian and Fundamental Bible believer....
Thousands of other scientists freely admit it was their faith in God and Jesus Christ that led them to great discoveries..
Jesus was a creationist....
."From the beginning of the Creation God made them male and female..."-- Jesus (Mk. 10:6)
2007-04-13 07:05:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sounds better than saying a bomb exploded and a new truck resulted from the chaos.
Even that is more believable than saying the universe exploded and from the chaos life began to evolve and human beings began to have morals just by nature itself.
2007-04-13 07:04:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Gen.1:1,2; All exist, time is not given. Job 38:30-32 [ Space ];
Gen.1:3-25; Earth is prepared [ it has to be thousands of years in God's time ], Job 38:4-7; Angels see earth prepared. Times and seasons for plant life is time man does identify with as Noah was in the ark 375 days, time of God already existed and his day to us means ages 2Pet.3:8;
John 17:3,5,24; Col.1:15-17; Rev.3:!2,14; Jesus is first creation created by God in the image of God.
Gen.1:26; God said."Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
Man on planet earth is the world as a population. Job 37:12; John 3:16;
1Cor.15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
The world that ends is the one LOST from Eden and its world Empires, it is SAVED into Jesus kingdom of the heavens Rev.3:12; 21:1-5;
Isa.45:18; 65:!7; 66:1,22,23;
Adam was made in a life sustaining earth to have eternal life, but he sinned.
2Pet.3:13; Rev.20:1-6,12,13; No Satan 1000 years, heavenly for new heavens with Jesus for earthly of new earth Rev.21:1-5;
For us to have eternal life, we have to have the heavens and the earth that was before the flood.
Eph.2:7; 3:21; The world with Jesus is withour end.
2007-04-13 07:08:38
answer #6
answered by jeni 7
Not since I was a child.
When it comes to Geology, I'll stick to the Geologists, rather than the pastors.
2007-04-13 07:10:14
answer #7
answered by Anthony Stark 5
No. I believe that God created the world. How God did it we do not know for certain.
2007-04-13 07:05:29
answer #8
answered by Mary W 5
That pastor was indulging in shameless self promotion of his own huge ego, even though all it accomplished was a detailed account of his gross ignorance.
And yes, there are PLENTY of people happy as a clam to remain totall ignorant with him, and listen to his silly palaver.
Oh well . . .
2007-04-13 07:02:43
answer #9
answered by nora22000 7
I'm an old earth creationist myself. (God created the universe but it happened the way science tells us). I think that YEC (Young-earth creationism) is silly and bad science.
2007-04-13 07:02:11
answer #10
answered by LX V 6