there comes a time when you have to shut up and do what you dot want to do to get done what has to be done, its called being a grown up. war is not great, but if you want to change the world its nessary.. all these people saying we cant help the middle east.why, because history says so? do any of you really know was gengis kahn who created such intollerence in islam, funny how christians were the ones burning peopel alive in the last great wars..this is not the same world it ever has been, if you dont change it now, we will have to deal with the conciquences of hate and vanity with weapons of cowards who give no warning, and who kill those who were never prepaired to fight....the very fact we have a presence int he middle east brings exposiure to a different way of life, the islam in the middle east is not true islam, it is the hate of kahn. true islam accepts other religions as they are.people say god is infinite, why does everyone try to make him one specific thing.
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