Hey everyone,
I am 18 years old and weigh a staggering in kilos 88 kilos. I was 98 before so i lost 10 kilos in 2 years. Its summer soon and I want to drop down to at least 70 kilos and that means hard work. I am going on a crash diet starting from 2morrow and no one can tell me dont do it, im desperate and dont want to fall in the bulemic catergory. I want to go and jog in the morining with my mum but im scared that people are going to stare, i jump on a trampolin but im scared that it might break, i do my skipping bu im scared that i will get a heart attack. What exercise can I do OUTDOORS and at HOME (no gym. too many ppl to much money) so it helps me to loose weight more effectivley and fast?
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Diet & Fitness