with a real serious look on his face. And his girlsfriend is sitting there looking all Barbie meets LL Bean, and she says, "And I don't, and we want to keep it that way."
Then they go on to talk about genital herpes like it was some kind of normal heterosexual thing that couples in love can experience together. And they do it like its no big deal in the srtraight community. Every time I see this thing I want to punch out the guy and slap some sense into stupid broad.
Are heteros really so stupid they have to have moronic actors tell them this sort of information? This is as bad as the stte of Virginia putting up billboards to remind men not to have sex with underaged girls.
And yet the sanctity of marriage and the focus on the family is tantamount in the US while the LGBT community is vilified.
Does anyone else see the irony of just what the hell is going on out there? Where is the outrage?
9 answers
asked by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender