I saw on http://en.wikipedia.org & on the World Bank's Development Report site that the US & Russia are very unequal societies, compared to the other nations. While most of Europe is more equal than us in terms of how big the gap between rich and poor is, and in terms of 'what percentage of income is earned by the richest 10%', S Africa & S America are the most unequal.
The comparison really makes us look like we have stopped trying to help our poor, like we don't care and are ruled by the very richest with no say given to the others. Is that so? Does being this unequal prove that they have the worst form of democracy, the least caring government & the most selfish society? And how can we change this?
According to the rankings, these are listed by the most unequal first: Brazil, S Africa, Columbia, Chile, Ethiopia, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Thailand, Iran, India, Turkey, USA, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Germany, UK, Italy Australia Spain France Canada Japan Fin&Swe
7 answers
asked by
Wise Kai