A glass of skim milk supplies 0.1 mg of iron, 8.5 g of protein and 1 g of carbohydrates. Aquarter pound of lean red meat provides 3.4 mg of iron, 22 g of protein, and 20 g of carbohydrates. Two slices of whole-grain bread supply 2.2 mg of iron, 10 g of protein, and 12 g of carbohydrates. If a person on a special diet must have 12.1 mg of iron, 97 g of protein, and 70 g of carbohydrates, how many glasses of skim milk, how many quarter-pound servings of meat, and how many two-slice servings of whole-grain bread will supply this?
The answer to the question is 3/8lb of red meat, 6 slices of bread and 4 glasses of milk, but I need to know how to arrive at that answer.
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