I'm 25 and lost my virginity to my boyfriend (who is 38) almost 1 year ago.From the beginning he has said it's special for him to be my first and that he's honored and all that,but I can't help always thinking that I suck in bed,or that I may not be pleasing him or that he's comparing me in his mind with other women he's been with.We're very good at communicating so I've told him my worries and thoughts and he always reassures me that it's great with me and that he loves knowing everything I've done I've only done with him but I still wonder if it's frustrating for him to be a sort of sexual teacher at his age.I can't help it bothering me sometimes that he's been with many women, and had so much experience, while I've only been with him and still feel so new at the whole sex thing.I'm afraid that he'll cheat,even though he reassures me that he won't because he loves only me, and I'm scared I'm going to hurt our relationship with all my worrying and not trusting him.Any advice? Thanks.
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