My boyfriend is a very hardworking man, loyal and all the good thing a woman would ever ask for a man.
He is also a dedicated Apostolic Christian. He goes to church every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
(Church Service, Sunday School etc.) Also, he wakes up at 3am every single day just to pray, read the bible and
bible study online before going to work. It drives me crazy and I am getting worried, He was one time upset
because he missed church for a day or two because they had to work late in the office. He said he would
considerlooking for another job if that happens again. He also brings his very huge and thick Bible wherever
he goes and reads it whenever possible (lunch break etc). He have read the Bible back to back a million times
over and over again and he said he would still do over and over again. (note he also reads Bible Study online)
He also mentioned that he prays for me everyday that I would go to heaven and blah bla
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Faith H
Singles & Dating