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All categories - 29 December 2006

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2006-12-29 03:35:03 · 6 answers · asked by trawrc1 1 in Biology

He outpaced Satan by 24 percentage points, that something to be proud of as Americans, isn't it?

2006-12-29 03:35:02 · 9 answers · asked by The Twist 3 in Politics

Ok I went to Iowa with my dad and I met this incredable guy. But he lives in Iowa and I live in minnesota. We bought cams to take pics of each other. But I miss him so much. He has my e-mail address but that our only way to talk to each other. When my dad goes to Iowa I might go with. But what if we never see each other again? He told me he liked me ALOT and that it's going to suck being so far away from each other. Then I started crying and he sat there holding me with my face in his hands with him hugging me. I just can't get over him. what is there to do to maybe see each other again. And I know what most people is going to say go to Iowa again or have him come to Minnesota. But it's not that simple. we're 14. And if I do go back to Iowa I'm staying at a hotel with my dad. And I don't think his parents are going to pay for a room everytime we're there. HELP ME. I'm not in love with him. I just really like him

2006-12-29 03:34:57 · 12 answers · asked by boy_crazy_girl_in_love 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-29 03:34:57 · 21 answers · asked by Zizi 2 in Gambling

to name a few. Who are YOU CRAVING a new CD from?

2006-12-29 03:34:51 · 12 answers · asked by mychemicalromancelover 3 in Music

2006-12-29 03:34:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

2006-12-29 03:34:49 · 4 answers · asked by colette g 1 in Video & Online Games

2006-12-29 03:34:49 · 15 answers · asked by dirtbike dude 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

My foundation usually comes off within
10 minutes of being out, which leaves
my skin on show most of my nights out.
Is there anything I can apply underneath
or on top of it so it'll stay on?

2006-12-29 03:34:48 · 14 answers · asked by scenekidspam 1 in Makeup

Seriously I am 11 years old 4"11 I weigh 97 lbs and I dont know if I am fat or not. Just tell me if I am UNDERWEIGHT,NORMAL,MEDIUM,CHUBBY,FAT

I am sitting down in the pic

2006-12-29 03:34:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

This is goign to sound awfull, but i have been a carrer for my mum who has M.S for 12 years, and now i am getting to the point where i cant cope, i have to put load music on my headphones to try and block out her in pain i have been trying to get a carrer in to help my mum still wont ring her up she keeps putting it off, and she always makes me feel like it is my responsbilty all the time, i also have social anexity disorder which makes even harder for me to go out, i am going to be 18 in aprill and i have never had a life of my own. i feel so trapped how do i get out?

2006-12-29 03:34:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

On boxing day after removing all the extra packaging that is used on girls toys (bratz dolls and associated extra's on this occasion) I wondered if I would able to buy the same item except it would be in a plain box and any additional material used to protect the goods would be fully recyclable. We have the facility provided by the local council to recycle cardboard and paper but even taking that into consideration there is a lot of the packaging from the toys that would ultimately end up in a landfill site.
Do you think if enough enough people made a fuss about it the manufacturers would provide the option to purchase the goods without the additional packaging? , possibly at a lower price.
The manufacturers would argue that is the item presentation that appeals to the prospective buyers. If that is the case the respective shops could have one of each on display with the full packaging but when you purchased the item you had the option to buy the "no frills - cardboard box" type.

2006-12-29 03:34:34 · 12 answers · asked by ivor noclue 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Your spiritual walk this coming year? ( No matter what your religion is) What do you plan on improving on? Weather that is reading the Bible, Koran or Torrah more (sorry if I misspelled anything) or going to services more?

Ministry work?

Just Curious.. and explain why you chose your resolution :)

Happy New Years!

2006-12-29 03:34:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Here lately I have felt like nothing I do is good enough. I can't get the house clean and keep it clean, laundry keeps multiplying, kids don't listen as well as I would like them too. I just feel like no matter how hard I try, I cant make anyone happy. My parents are always complaining about how I live, husband feels like he doesnt get enough "us" time. Yes, I have gone to the dr and she doesn't feel that I am depressed. She did agree that I was under alot of stress and perscribed me some meds and sent me to therapy. The therapy was a joke. That lady kept asking me ...Well, how do you need to fix this? I told her if I knew how, I wouldnt be there talking to her. She gave me NO advice at all. The meds make me not want to do anything.... Just wondering if anyone else feels like this and what they do to help them get thru it or deal with it..... Thanks..

2006-12-29 03:34:16 · 9 answers · asked by kutskova29 3 in Singles & Dating

I have so much information given on yahoo answers that varies, mostly from people who dont know about it who say you can catch it from kissing so on, can anybody with hep c tell me how to stay free of it if your partner has it and if it is indeed clearable for a long duration and then is called cured.

2006-12-29 03:34:14 · 6 answers · asked by Abigail 3 in Infectious Diseases

I had these circles since about 12 months. I tired all remedies but none worked. I fear that they may be permanent. I need help.

2006-12-29 03:34:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

A variation on a common question here on Mr Hussain. I think that rather like that 20th hijacker the americans, who are after all really in control, don't really want to kill him, but keep him out of power in jail. But they want to prove to the world that they could kill him if they want to.
The reason they don't want to kill him is that they don't want to turn him into a martyr.

2006-12-29 03:34:06 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

We got into an argument last night when I asked him 2 stop drinkin & drive me.I always get stuck driving him around!I met some friends & wanted to hang out & have a few drinks. I simply asked if he would stop drinking, wasnt making him or anything. We ended up in a HUGE fight! He followed me to the bathroom where I was crying & started yelling at me more! I had enough & told him I was leaving. He had a friend there that could bring him home, so I went to my car. He followed me out & said I was "2 drunk 2 drive". I WAS HIS DD TO BEGIN WITH! He pinned me up against my car & slapped me across the face! I was so shocked! He had me there for almost 2 mins & wouldnt let me go! I dont want to be the dumb@$$ that goes back&gets hit again! I never thought anything like this would happen to me!Ive NEVER been hit by a guy! I feel violated, degraded&pissed. Do I speak to him again? Do I leave him? Was this a 1 time thing cause he was drunk?Is he gonna think he can get away with it if I go back?

2006-12-29 03:34:05 · 10 answers · asked by geminiqtpie22 5 in Singles & Dating

Ok I will be transferring to Texas next year, my sophmore year, and the school district (mesquite) has uniforms. And I talked about it to my friends, and they flipped out at the thought of uniforms, saying they would "just die" Which comes to the question, what is actually WRONG with uniforms anyway? some pros and cons maybe? And in your opinion does it keep students focused more on school work than cleavage and clothes?

2006-12-29 03:34:03 · 17 answers · asked by Dreaming Faerie 2 in Fashion & Accessories

2006-12-29 03:34:02 · 10 answers · asked by need a boy 2 in Other - Beauty & Style

i brought all the four stuff for the second piece of map.but when i try to open the door in the mines,it doesnt open

2006-12-29 03:33:58 · 5 answers · asked by Wind Chime 4 in Video & Online Games

Based on personal experience, knowledge of my community and answers to some previous questions on Y!Answers, this question came to mind. Does this question have validity?

2006-12-29 03:33:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I'm in a sticky situation... I have a 19 month old and everytime we go to visit my relatives within a week he is sick (usually an ear infection). One of my relatives smokes (not inside the house when we are there) but I know that it is still in the air. They also have a lot of animals inside the house and I know that it is probably an issue as well.

My problem is I do not know how to address it because I know that it is going to offend them if I tell them that he gets sick everytime we visit. They only live an hour away so they expect us to visit a lot and I don't know what do to. I have cut back our visits to about once a month or every other month. I have been keeping track with our visits and when he gets sick and it seems like there is a connection.

Do I address it or just ride it out? If I address it all hell is going to break loose. But at the same time I am the one who has to stay up with him when he is sick and I am the one who has to take time off from work.

2006-12-29 03:33:50 · 10 answers · asked by Catch 22 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

i'm doing a project on the vikings presence before columbus so your comments would be really helpful. i also will acknowledge your comments.


2006-12-29 03:33:44 · 18 answers · asked by Nikki 2 in History

I moved out of the apartment 2 month earlier than my lease and I paid
off my rent up front. But my utility bills still comes for these two
months. My water bill is through the landlord, so I understand I may
have to pay until the end of the lease because they may have some kind of contracts. But for electricity bill, it is a different issue. I opened account with local utility when I moved in and closed when I moved out. I do not understand why my landload turned on the electricity after I left and still asked me to pay for that period.

What should I do? Thanks.

2006-12-29 03:33:44 · 3 answers · asked by ZY 1 in Renting & Real Estate

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