I just want to know what the Americans think abut the War on Terror.The war in afghanisthan was justified ,and seen by the world as a "tit for tat "answer to the Al Queda,but Iraq?...simply doesnt make sence!!!...
Iraq was far safer place with Saddam at the helm than americans occupying it....now it is the breeding ground for terrorism...
.One more thing have anyone ever thought how these incidents would come to haunt you one day...
Years back in the early 90s the americans supported the Afghani fighters to bring down the Russians...have you ever thought had Russia still been there the whole alqueda would have been their damn head ache!!!!
What was the need for all this. So many dead,,,American, Iraqis, englishmen....all for what?
I am not a anti-American person...i respect and admire the american for so many othr things..
I jsut want to know what the general public in america think about this
10 answers
asked by
johny harlow