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is there really going to be a third one.is there an e-mail i can reach the maker with? i really need to know this...PLEASE!!!!
is there any real hard facts (not opinions) about Kingdom Hearts Three?

2006-12-18 19:59:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

6 answers

so far, everyone is wrong, disney and noruma has expressed interest in a third game, but as of right now, they will not make it within the next 4-5 years, until then they are creating final mix +, which is kingdom hearts II and Chain of Memories for the PS2, chock full of extras

2006-12-20 14:30:43 · answer #1 · answered by Pops 4 · 0 0

So far there are no facts on Kingdom Hearts 3. They have announced another one, but they haven't said for which system. I have heard rumors that the game will be set years, before the first game. Hence the reason why (If you have gotten the speical ending if not I'll post the link to it) everyone seems to be wearing armor...That and the words it says at the end. "It all began with...Birth By Sleep"

2006-12-19 12:08:19 · answer #2 · answered by Wondering Zero 2 · 0 0

yes because if you have finished KH2 youwould of find out by now. in the end sora and riku defeated ansem then they go trasported into a dark island then they saw the light and go to their old island with kairi and then they saw a message in a bottle with the kings mark. And then........ THE END( it didn't show it)

2006-12-19 04:17:38 · answer #3 · answered by Lawrence O 3 · 0 0

haha, yes there will be one, I promise. They are making it right now, from what I heard, but it'll be years before it comes out. Sorry, no e-mail ^^; just remember, it WILL come someday!

2006-12-19 04:01:24 · answer #4 · answered by High On Life 5 · 0 0

when you complete kh2 and i do mean complete as in everything is done including mini games and the like. you will unlock a previem for kh3.

2006-12-19 04:52:51 · answer #5 · answered by Warrior Poet 3 · 0 0


2006-12-19 04:08:23 · answer #6 · answered by solstice333 3 · 0 0

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