This person I know who is a very attractive women gets what ever she wants, because she wear these tight fitting jeans and plays dumb, and the men fall all over her. She has left the state for 5 days and made no provision for her horse that is boarded beside my horse. I asked around who is taking care of this horse, no one will do it because she has taken advance of a lot of people, and they are now upset, it's always do for her, and when you ask in return says says NO or charges you. Now this poor horse is standing there no feed, water, hay, stall is not cleaned. Now please don't says just take care of it, thats not the point, she just asummes people are going to do this , and then she puts on her cute act, or I forgot, not acceptable. It cost money to feed horses, and I live now on a very fixed income but I would never let my horse or dog go without, For the sake of the horse should mangement be informed, By insurance your not allowed to handle other people horses.
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Other - Pets