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All categories - 22 November 2006

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mine is my chemical romance. how bout you? :)

2006-11-22 03:27:22 · 12 answers · asked by chikka 5 in Polls & Surveys


There was a cop on his horse waiting to cross the road when a little boy on his new shiny bike stopped beside him.
"Nice bike," the cop said,"did santa bring it to you ?"

"Yep," the little boy said,"he sure did!"

The cop looked at the bike and while handing the boy a $20 ticket he said, "Next year,tell santa 2 put a license plate on the back of it .

To go along with the cop the little boy said,"Nice horse you got there sir,did santa bring it to you?"Yes, He sure did," "Next year tell santa to put the d--k underneath the horse instead of on top."

2006-11-22 03:27:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

I know what it is and I don't have it, a family member does, I was just wondering where (like websites) that I could find useful information. Don't tell me to google it or put it into a search engine because I've done that.

2006-11-22 03:27:21 · 4 answers · asked by Kiara 5 in Mental Health

I started working at a nursery recently and one of the other nursery nurses had the same unusual surname as me. We got talking about what a coincidence it was as it is such a rare name - and eventually we discovered we are related as my grandfather is her grandfather's brother! But, I am confused.... HOW are we related? Are we cousins once/twice/something removed? What are our fathers to one another? Is there a site where it tells you how to work this stuff out?

2006-11-22 03:27:20 · 20 answers · asked by Mrsdanieljackson 3 in Genealogy

using macromedia flash 8 pro. i need to make an interactive series of images that is 60 secs in length. I'm new to this and i have no clue. I have managed to make some buttons but they dont all interact. Please help!

2006-11-22 03:27:10 · 4 answers · asked by Mello Kello 2 in Programming & Design

Should I tell him how I feel, or not tell him at all...... I need some advice............

2006-11-22 03:27:09 · 10 answers · asked by A C 1 in Singles & Dating

i have a bet with my daughter that parkinson is in peter kays video she refuses to believe me and the bet is a quid,.i know i am right about parkie being alongside peter kay and ronnie corbett but she wants proof of it i know its only a quid but if anyone has any suggestions i would be very gratefull.nice one.

2006-11-22 03:27:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Television

So much blaming for the worlds mess man made of it. So much trying to justify the right to our God and heaven on ones own terms.

2006-11-22 03:27:01 · 2 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

What if it was 999 instead of 666. Would you feel the same about it? Would you turn him in to your local church?

2006-11-22 03:26:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-22 03:26:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Electronics

I had asked a question before that I was nervous about telling this guy, I've had a casual relationship with, that I had a problem with taking diet pills/ephedrine ever since I modeled. So I ended up getting the courage to write him an email to tell him that I wanted to talk to him about something, hinting to him what the matter was, and told him to tell me when a good time would be to call him or talk to him in person (he recently moved for a job). So now I'm nervous and scared about putting myself out there! Will he respect that? Or will he think different of me? Was it a good move if we ever thought about getting serious any time in the future? And will this open the door to him if he has any problems he wants to share with me?

2006-11-22 03:26:50 · 4 answers · asked by feisty 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-22 03:26:48 · 32 answers · asked by Addicted To Abercrombie & Fitch 2 in Thanksgiving

Dear Sir: On a regular Basis My wife gets the large print edition of your magazine. She NEVERasked to recieve it. She still gets the smaller edition but would not like to get the Large print one.It must be a mistake. Please take care of this. Thank You

2006-11-22 03:26:47 · 4 answers · asked by Solemse1 1 in Magazines

recently i started to have sinful thoughts about pete burns! I know he is disgusting to look at but he really turns me on!! Has this ever happened to anyone else? Im usually very normal sexually and this is worrying me!!

2006-11-22 03:26:39 · 2 answers · asked by Hidden_Red 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a landscaping business and am planning on merging with another landscaping business in ohio .. What paperwork is involved in doing this also anyone have any creative names...My company is named Zak's and his is Burns... Thanks

2006-11-22 03:26:37 · 4 answers · asked by ZAKATTACK 1 in Small Business

Does anyone know where I can find a diagram of a 68 camaro steering column without having to sink a bunch of money in a book?

2006-11-22 03:26:28 · 4 answers · asked by zyllee 5 in Chevrolet

I am 24 years old and the first time I recall experiencing this pain was when I was 13 or 14 years old. Back then, the Dr. thought I had Kidney stones, but I never passed any and he even admitted me to the hospital for 2 days to observe me. Since then, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain in my right side from my ribs to my hips and it goes around me from my belly button to my spine. Sometimes the pain lasts just a few hours, other times it lasts a few weeks. It is so severe that it makes me sick to my stomach and unable to hold any food in my system because eating just seems to make the pain worst. I have had ultra sounds, xrays, urine samples, blood work tests and more tests done but the only thing that has come back it I have hight cholesterol, Gout and a low vitamin B12 level. I am on shots for the B-12 but I don't believe I have gout as Gout typically attacks your big toe before any other part of your body. What do you think & what would u do?

2006-11-22 03:26:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I just need to listen to the song one time, where can I find an online recording of it.

2006-11-22 03:26:20 · 1 answers · asked by QT D Bomb 2 in Music

Okay my period is 3 days late and i took a pregnacy test last week and came out negative.. Iam scared to take another one cause i totally feel pregnate, iam constantly peeing alot, morning sickness, night sickness, i feel the top of my belly really hard, smells get to me real quick and get me nautious, my boobs are killing me...etc i could go on and on.. Well i want to to wait another week to take another test so it could be more sure....Help what should i do?

2006-11-22 03:26:19 · 10 answers · asked by R.J 3 in Trying to Conceive

something not too obvious...I want to tell this guy I really like him but I don't want to scare him off. I figured the way to tell him without anyone else knowing. Could you provide the translation please? If you have any nice sayings or phrases too that would be helpful too please

2006-11-22 03:26:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

A friend is coming over to help me install new pads and rotors but he needs to know what kind of bolt holds on the calipers. (Allen wrench, hex bolt, etc.)

2006-11-22 03:26:11 · 4 answers · asked by lawdawg425 1 in Ford

I'm trying to be friends with a former love interest. I invited him to hang out, but he said he was going to sleep and then half hour later I see him out with all his friends. He fed me a lame excuse, but should I even bother with it anymore?

2006-11-22 03:26:08 · 13 answers · asked by HocusPocus 2 in Singles & Dating

Can anyone out there help me get a copy?

2006-11-22 03:26:06 · 2 answers · asked by rstotler56 1 in Printers

If you could keep any animal as a pet, (no restrictions here, assume that you can afford to feed it, keep it in a proper enviornment, and that the animal would be happy with human interaction) what animal would it be and why?

Me I would keep a koala, in reality I know they are mean, and in no way able to be kept as pets, but seriously I just want to cuddle one lol!!

2006-11-22 03:26:04 · 16 answers · asked by supersourrainbow 3 in Other - Pets

Well...making stuffing ahead--always do (no I don't stuff the bird).

Made creamed onions, will toast them up after turkey comes out.

Pecan pie...check....pumpkin pies....check.

Now I am wondering if I can do the corn pudding ahead...baked as well and simply heat through tomorrow.

Like most I have one oven (I now see why those double ovens were soo popular in the 60's and 70's) and with rolls, appetizers, etc I need to do as much as possible today.

What do you think? Corn pudding today or tomorrow?

Thanks have a great holiday!

2006-11-22 03:26:04 · 6 answers · asked by Lori 6 in Cooking & Recipes

a, Find the area of the largest rectangle that can abe inscribed in a right triangle with legs adjacent to the right angle of lengths 5cm and 12 cm.
The two sides of the rectangle lie along the legs.

b, Repeat part a with the right traingle that has sides 8cm by 15cm

c, Hypothesize a conclusion for any right triangle

2006-11-22 03:26:00 · 3 answers · asked by ayok 2 in Mathematics

does anyone know how long I need to stay to get indefinite leave to remain ? Help me please !!! As I dont wana go back to my country when I finish my studies !!

2006-11-22 03:25:50 · 12 answers · asked by rachid b 1 in Immigration

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