and the goals he has as a president I work over here in Iraq and have a right to speak my mind because I do my part to protect our great country from distruction, while all I hear from you is wining about how GW gives a bad name to the US and your disrespect for all of the soldiers who have died in the name of our great country (you un- American idiots).........I travel the world and get nothing but respect from other nations. It discust me to see the idiotic replies to your idiotic questions asked abot GW....Are you all just so blinded by the Liberal media that you can't see the truth......We are installing Democracy in the Middle East to stablize our own excistance as an indipendant country......How blind are you all???....It is obvious we need to support our leaders to survive as a nation, while you uneducated libs feed off twisted stories told by these talking heads we call a free media. I see the differance on a daily basis over here, what goals do you see for our great nation?
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