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and the goals he has as a president I work over here in Iraq and have a right to speak my mind because I do my part to protect our great country from distruction, while all I hear from you is wining about how GW gives a bad name to the US and your disrespect for all of the soldiers who have died in the name of our great country (you un- American idiots).........I travel the world and get nothing but respect from other nations. It discust me to see the idiotic replies to your idiotic questions asked abot GW....Are you all just so blinded by the Liberal media that you can't see the truth......We are installing Democracy in the Middle East to stablize our own excistance as an indipendant country......How blind are you all???....It is obvious we need to support our leaders to survive as a nation, while you uneducated libs feed off twisted stories told by these talking heads we call a free media. I see the differance on a daily basis over here, what goals do you see for our great nation?

2006-10-14 20:09:38 · 25 answers · asked by 6ft5inallman 2 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

Don't stereotype everyone around here, my friend. I am a patriotic American. I support our President and our Congress and applaud what GW has done to improve not only America's security, but security around the world. And yes, there ARE many liberal idiots around here. My only thought is that many of them are just young and stupid; the others are just stupid, gullible or flat out cowardly. Anyone who cannot appreciate the IMPORTANCE of what is happening in Iraq, not to mention Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world, cannot begin to appreciate or understand the freedom they so take for granted.

2006-10-14 20:21:10 · answer #1 · answered by fearslady 4 · 3 9

I love how you post your statement with a question mark at the end and call it a question.

Let's be clear - doing your part to protect our country by enlisting and fighting isn't the only way to validate your point of view. Believe it or not, just being a US citizen gives everyone that right as well. So for you to come off as though you and those like you are the only ones entitled to an opinion is as arrogant as it is ignorant.

I don't know what comments on this site you're referring to (I have seen some dumb ones) but your statements here are all still opinions. They're opinions you have as a soldier and are no more or less valid than a student, politician, doctor, or anyone else who votes.

And while the end result of removing Saddam from power is that a violent dictator is gone, that does not mean what we did is right or just or our place. There are dozens of dictators all over the world that are far more violent than Saddam - is it our duty to travel the world and impose our judgment on them and then execute actions that result in so many deaths? It's an issue of nuance and I believe you're oversimplifying it here.

For instance, you throw out these general stereotypes to support your claims. The "liberal media" for one. Not all media is liberal, nor are all organizations reporting the same slant. If people are responsible they'll collect news from different sources and countries and try to assemble some form of objective truth. This isn't as easy as you make it sound.

And if you believe we are in Iraq to stabilize our country, then you might want to read the report that just came from OUR entire intelligence community that suggests invading Iraq made the world less-safe for America and its citizens. And I for one believe in war only when it is necessary to preserve freedom or in self defense. I don't think pre-emptive strikes to "indirectly" protect our interests AND doing so without international support of any kind is wise or moral. But I guess all of my views are moronic and stupid, right? Cause I'm not over there in a uniform.

2006-10-14 21:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by GrayTheory 4 · 5 1

You don't spread democracy with the barrel of a gun. Almost every day there is another terrorist attack. I don't see how we are making progress with so much violence everyday. The cost of this war in terms of lost lives, negative US perception in the rest of the world and the huge amount money being spent far outweigh any positives. This war is a lost cause, there are simply too many people in Iraq who are committed to killing American soldiers and Iraqi allies. It's time to get out before we have another Vietnam.

2006-10-14 21:01:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Being over there doesn't give you a duck's fart right to comment on anything with authority except what the weather is like. You are not protecting this great country of ours as you put it and I suppose you have no exception to the Iraqis wanting to protecting the great country of theirs, which has a history several thousand years more than the US.

Your question is predicated on nonsense, you are not installing democracy, because by the very nature of the word you cannot install democracy. Democracy is a representation by the people and occupying a country does not have anything to do with democracy.

I'd prefer to listen to the heads of the 16 security services that say we have created more terrorists than ever existed before this crazy occupation.

Disrepect for the soldiers who have died for this country.. absolute crap. They are paid soldiers.. As the CONS tell us all the time.. They volunteered to die. What about the 600,000 Iraqis that have been killed to date. Are they not people too? Some of us have a more principled view of the world and don't believe we should give our lives for the enrichment of a few corrupt politician. So grow up and if you want our support, stop posting ridiculous and idiotic questions like this.

EDIT: You travel the world restricted to the barracks. Name me one country that you go to and you travel freely as an American soldier and you are respected. JUST NAME ME ONE. I travel the world in business and I can categorically refute what you say. You sir are obviously not very bright and you need to get your head out of all that sand in Iraq.

2006-10-14 20:36:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Thank you for defending our country and please tell me how WE as American people are going to pay 3 trillion dollars National deficits at this point and how many people die in Iraq and I want you to think about it also. Is about time we need to reduce the troop and let them come home and there are 2 sides of stories and I urge you to read more about U.S. policy and tell me why so many people around the world hate the American people. By the way right now what is the White House is going to do with 12 million undocumented workers who send the cash home 3 billion dollars and my state has to pay for these un American. Oh OUR President and the government allowed 200,000 hi tech visa jobs this year that impacted the Silicon valley people. Right now American allows outsourcing jobs to oversea for cooperation to reduce the cost. The 2% of Bush friends do not pay any taxes. You and I are picking these people taxes. Please read and check my answer and I am a fan of the President because, he is a very nice and down to earth man.

2006-10-14 20:31:11 · answer #5 · answered by ryladie99 6 · 6 1

It's blind and idiotic to think that what the US is doing in the middle east is good. We haven't installed democracy...we've started a civil war. Bush was a moron to go in without a plan and American kids are paying for it...along with American tax payers who are taking it in the rear. Wonder what 300 billion dollars would do for education in this country.

2006-10-14 20:19:23 · answer #6 · answered by Franklin 7 · 8 0

I think the point is being missed in that this is not an open forum for opinions but a question and answer section. Why don't you jump of your high horse and speak out in a place that makes more sense or just get on with the job you seem to think you are so fantastic at. Bloody yanks!

2006-10-14 20:15:21 · answer #7 · answered by sandiemay01 3 · 5 0

What a fool to think Democracy will work in the Middle East.

Man has been trying to do that in the Middle E. since the Greeks..

.... You wouldn't be singing this happy tune if GW sent you to Korea so hush your mouth!

Last time we did the tango with the Koreans 54,000 US Troops died..
Only 2,500 have died in Iraq for this "occupation".

If you honestly think you are fighting the "right" enemy you are sadly mistaken. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are the biggest trouble makers around, 1 supplies the money, 1 supplies the men, the other the technology. Iraq is a turd pebble compared to these threats..

Count your blessings you are not in Korea right now, and don't fool yourself into believing being in Iraq is perserving our Freedom back home.



2006-10-14 20:15:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

Well perhaps you have been out of touch for a while friend, after all fighting or working in Iraq takes you away from the american media. This is going on let me update you:
Bunches of cover ups in WAshington for unethical and criminal acts of Congressman and Senator
Abramhoff, paid for congresional favors
Culture of corruption exposed'
Bush lied about Iraq
Bush has no exit tsrategy for Iraq
Bush has no idea how to bring democracy to ME, given the wave of insurgency and inability of Military to defeat insurgents
600,000 dead Iraqia
You are the blind one because you are stuck in a hell hole and the only way you can jsutify being there is to lick the A.s.s of your commander in Chief.
There will never be a democracy in iraq as long as US is there because you are treading on holy land taht you do not understand. THe people in the region are turning on you and have in their minds a great excuse for wanting you dead. They feel invaded and the fact of the matter is that GW has stirred a hornets next. There wer no insurgents or terorists in Iraq before GW sent you there.

I have the utmost respect for the miltary an support the troops fully because I understand they are following orders, they love US and they are doing their patriotic duty. But as a GOOD AND
PATRIOTIC AMERICAN myself, who happens to be very smart with a very high IQ, feel I must speak out against this President who lied to get the votes he needed to go to war, who has his head in the ground without any clue as to what he intends to do next.

Please explain how we need to stabilize our existence by attacking Iraq????? Do you know taht Notthern Korea and Iran are openly threatening the US right now with Nuke tests for INKOREA and verbage fro Iran and there is nithing we can do about it, We cannot pursue the real threats because GW is in the wrong place. Yikes we have a great Nation and yes we have lots of idiots strating with the chief, and his little idiot followers...
Excuse my typos but I am so incensed by this idotic statement and tyoed faster thsan I really could...........................seething

2006-10-14 20:28:02 · answer #9 · answered by meldorhan 4 · 7 1

Fearslady....Are you kidding...what he has done for homeland security....we lost the WTC..... We have terrorist living here...in America...remember they followed a few of them for a year... and lost them just before the WTC was f*king taken down.... Security around the world...anyone that deals with us has had embassies,churches,cities blown up...what a nut....did you not know....all he has done was rob the health and education systems in America...Wow...anyone that follows GW...has no answer....
Anyways back to the question...you must not be there protecting the oil wells huh....most of our guys over there...don't have time to se and talk on yahoo anwers...I respect what the troops are doing there...but not the reasons. Maybe you need to get off here,before yo lose your real intentions and lose your concentration....who goes to war with out a plan...huh....no one disrespects the soldiers that have died or still active. We miss them and worry for them. They had no choice but to follow rules. You are about the only one that has been to Iraq that speaks highly of the great GWBush. All we wish is that this damn war can be over and done, Send all our people home...and stopp making them part of a genocide...because thats what it is....

2006-10-14 20:21:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

God bless you, soldier!

From the comments on this page, we can all see how 'tolerant' the liberals are of opposing views.

According to them, conservatives have NO RIGHT to criticize John Kerry or Jack Murtha, because hey, they served in Vietnam and Bush didn't.

But any time a soldier in Iraq tries to get the word out of the great things they're doing over there, liberals say "hey, you're just a soldier, you don't know what's really going on, you're just a puppet, the only thing you have a right to comment about is THE WEATHER!!! , you HAVE NO RIGHT to tell us anything".

Idiots like Kerry and Murtha, we're supposed to buy into everything they tell us, but with you guys over there, you don't know what's going on...

Just another great example displaying the tolerance of liberals.

Libs always talk about the rights they have to disagree with our government, but they never, ever give credit to the people who made those rights a reality.

Again, God bless you, soldier, and keep kicking ***!

2006-10-14 23:13:49 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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