My mom told me today that for Christmas and Thanksgiving, that my husband, and two little children are invited for dinner, but that my older two girls and their families aren't invited because she doesn't have room to have everyone and their families for dinner. My older two are my stepdaughters and my mom and family have always accepted them but during the holidays its always been hectic because of other families involved. Now she says this and that if I wanted to have my own Thanksgiving and Christmas with them, she wouldn't be offended or upset, but that if she found out that we went to my husbands moms house for Thanksgiving where the girls and their families would definitely be invided, that she would be upset. Its ok, if I do my own thing, but not go to his moms house. She would rather I go to hers and he goes to his moms if I didn't have my own things at my house. It just doesn't seem right, and I don't quite know what to do without causing problems.. What would you do?
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