Fox demands that the United States declare a complete amnesty for all illegals, thus al- lowing them full U.S. citizenship. To force the issue, Fox's government has begun issuing ID cards to Mexican illegals in the United States--ID cards called by the Spanish name, "matricula consular." The matricula consular looks like a California driver's license and costs the holder $29. It gives the impression of an official guarantee that the holder is who it says he is and that the address listed is correct. There is no truth to that. Yet, now 13 states are accepting the matricula consular for the purpose of issuing a driver's li- cense to outlaw aliens. Once a legitimate U.S driver's license is in hand, the outlaws have the entire American system opened to them. Now, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and 74 other banks accept the card in order to open bank accounts. At least 800 police depart- ments in cities across the nation accept the card as valid ID.
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