Boing, McDonald Douglas, and Halliburton get paid millions, and even billions of dollars to produce tanks, hallicopters, and missiles. If we are not in a position to use them, these companies do not profit. Is it possible that these multimillion dollar corporations have infiltrated policy making in the form of buisness men turned politicans i.e. Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney left politics for a while to work as a contractor for Haliburton at the Pentagon. It was his job to sell contracts to the Government for weaponry. He was a door to door shoe salesman, but for weapons. Surprise, after the war, Haliburton was awarded a multi-billion dollar contract. So, if we ellect business men to make our laws, won't they be more inclined to make laws that benefit their buisness vs. what is best for us. Eisenhower, warned of war profitering not for the sake of the american people but for the sake of buisness, I believe we are living his fear, and that his fear is one that can erode America.
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